Dem Haters (feat. Dwane Husbands)

[Verse 1:]
I'm not concerned with people
Who prey on the wealth of their fellow man (oh yea)
Cause they only want to know you, enroll you
Only for the things ya had
I just think its so sad

Get dem haters out your circle
Smile in your face but all they wanna do is bring ya down
See them try to mess to hurt you
And work you
Anything to bring ya down

[Verse 2:]
They keep evil thoughts in their hearts (what you dont know)
You can't let them knock your hustle
Not letting them know how much you struggle
They turn green with envy when your on top
And dem heart is full with strife
Their by gonna try to take your life

Dem haters at your circle
Smilin' in your face
but all they wanna do is bring you down (bring you down, down, down)
See dem try them best to hurt you
Dem work you, anything to bring you down

Ya know they talk about ya and they tell the lies
Dont be fooled u betta recognize
They not there for you
They dont care for you
Trust me cuz i know its true
Ya see they smile in your face and make ya think they down
Then they turn against you when your not around
Its just jealousy and dishonesty
So hold on to your sanity

Get dem haters out your circle
Smile in your face but all they wanna do is bring ya down
See them try to mess to hurt you
And work you
Anything to bring ya down

Mirror lyrics:

Anything to bring ya down
And work you
See them try to mess to hurt you
Smile in your face but all they wanna do is bring ya down
Get dem haters out your circle

So hold on to your sanity
Its just jealousy and dishonesty
Then they turn against you when your not around
Ya see they smile in your face and make ya think they down
Trust me cuz i know its true
They dont care for you
They not there for you
Dont be fooled u betta recognize
Ya know they talk about ya and they tell the lies

Dem work you, anything to bring you down
See dem try them best to hurt you
but all they wanna do is bring you down (bring you down, down, down)
Smilin' in your face
Dem haters at your circle

Their by gonna try to take your life
And dem heart is full with strife
They turn green with envy when your on top
Not letting them know how much you struggle
You can't let them knock your hustle
They keep evil thoughts in their hearts (what you dont know)
[Verse 2:]

Anything to bring ya down
And work you
See them try to mess to hurt you
Smile in your face but all they wanna do is bring ya down
Get dem haters out your circle

I just think its so sad
Only for the things ya had
Cause they only want to know you, enroll you
Who prey on the wealth of their fellow man (oh yea)
I'm not concerned with people
[Verse 1:]

Relevant Tags:
DDem HHaters ((feat. DDwane HHusbands) em aters feat. wane usbands) eDm aHters f(eat. wDane uHsbands) xem jaters (ffeat. xwane jusbands) xDem jHaters (eat. xDwane jHusbands)
Dxem Hjaters (efat. Dxwane Hjusbands) eem uaters (ceat. ewane uusbands) eDem uHaters (cfeat. eDwane uHusbands) Deem Huaters (fceat. Dewane Huusbands) fem naters (reat. fwane nusbands)
fDem nHaters (rfeat. fDwane nHusbands) Dfem Hnaters (freat. Dfwane Hnusbands) rem baters (geat. rwane busbands) rDem bHaters (gfeat. rDwane bHusbands) Drem Hbaters (fgeat. Drwane Hbusbands)
cem gaters (teat. cwane gusbands) cDem gHaters (tfeat. cDwane gHusbands) Dcem Hgaters (fteat. Dcwane Hgusbands) sem yaters (veat. swane yusbands) sDem yHaters (vfeat. sDwane yHusbands)
Dsem Hyaters (fveat. Dswane Hyusbands) Haaters (deat. Dwwane Dm Hters (dfeat. Dane Hsbands) Dme Htaers (fdeat. Dawne Hsubands) Dsm Hzters (feeat. Daane Hhsbands)
Hzaters (fat. Dawane Hhusbands) Desm Hazters (faet. Dwaane Huhsbands) D3m Hqters (fsat. D3ane H7sbands) D3em Hqaters (fseat. D3wane H7usbands) De3m Haqters (fesat. Dw3ane Hu7sbands)
Dfm Hsters (f3at. Ddane Hksbands) Hsaters (f3eat. Ddwane Hkusbands) Defm Hasters (fe3at. Dwdane Huksbands) Drm Hwters (ffat. Deane Hisbands) Hwaters Hiusbands)
Derm Hawters (fefat. Dweane Huisbands) D4m Hxters (frat. Dsane H8sbands) D4em Hxaters H8usbands) De4m Haxters (ferat. Dwsane Hu8sbands) Ddm Hatters (f4at. D2ane Hjsbands)
Ddem Haers (f4eat. D2wane Dedm Haetrs (fe4at. Dw2ane Hujsbands) Dwm Hafers (fdat. Dqane Hysbands) Dwem Hafters Dqwane Dewm Hatfers (fedat. Dwqane Huysbands)
Demm Ha5ers (fwat. Hussbands) De Ha5ters (fweat. Dwne Hubands) Dem Hat5ers (fewat. Dwnae Hubsands) Dej Hahers (feaat. Dwzne Huzbands) Dejm Hahters (fet. Dwzane Huzsbands)
Demj Hathers (feta. Dwazne Huszbands) Dek Hayers (fezt. Dwqne Huwbands) Dekm Hayters (fezat. Huwsbands) Demk Hatyers (feazt. Dwaqne Huswbands) Den Ha6ers (feqt. Dwsne Hudbands)
Denm Ha6ters (feqat. Hudsbands) Demn Hat6ers (feaqt. Dwasne Husdbands) Hagers (fest. Dwwne Huebands) Hagters Huesbands) Hatgers (feast. Dwawne Husebands)
Harers (fewt. Dwxne Huxbands) Harters Dwxane Huxsbands) Hatrers (feawt. Dwaxne Husxbands) Hateers (fext. Dwanne Huabands) Hatrs (fexat. Dwae Huasbands)
Hatres (feaxt. Dwaen Husabands) Hatsrs (featt. Dwame Husbbands) Hatsers (fea. Dwamne Husands) Hatesrs (fea.t Dwanme Husabnds) Hat3rs (feaf. Dwahe Husvands)
Hat3ers (feaft. Dwahne Husvbands) Hate3rs (featf. Dwanhe Husbvands) Hatfrs (fea5. Dwaje Husgands) (fea5t. Dwajne Husgbands) Hatefrs (feat5. Dwanje Husbgands)
Hatrrs (feah. Dwabe Husnands)

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