Making Judy Smile

There's a picture on the door
Madman smiling from the floor
It's a good day for a drive
If you think you will survive
Just my way of saying hi
'Cos I knew I wouldn't write
And the seat will fit one more
So there's room enough for four
Your words they flatter me
You fill my head with tea
Please let me take it one more mile
The Galaxie will burn
If I can't make it turn
Hope I'm making Judy smile

Mirror lyrics:

Hope I'm making Judy smile
If I can't make it turn
The Galaxie will burn
Please let me take it one more mile
You fill my head with tea
Your words they flatter me
So there's room enough for four
And the seat will fit one more
'Cos I knew I wouldn't write
Just my way of saying hi
If you think you will survive
It's a good day for a drive
Madman smiling from the floor
There's a picture on the door

Relevant Tags:
MMaking JJudy SSmile aking udy mile aMking uJdy mSile jaking kudy zmile jMaking kJudy zSmile Mjaking Jkudy Szmile
kaking iudy wmile kMaking iJudy wSmile Mkaking Jiudy Swmile naking mudy dmile nMaking mJudy dSmile Mnaking Jmudy Sdmile
Maaking nudy emile Mking nJudy eSmile Mkaing Jnudy Semile Mzking hudy xmile Mzaking hJudy xSmile Mazking Jhudy Sxmile
Mqking uudy amile Mqaking uJudy aSmile Maqking Juudy Samile Msking Smmile Msaking Jdy Sile Masking Jduy Simle
Mwking Jhdy Sjile Mwaking Sjmile Mawking Juhdy Smjile Mxking J7dy Skile Mxaking J7udy Skmile Maxking Ju7dy Smkile
Makking Jkdy Snile Maing Snmile Maikng Jukdy Smnile Maling Jidy Smiile Malking Smle Makling Juidy Smlie
Maoing J8dy Smjle Maoking J8udy Makoing Ju8dy Smijle Maming Jjdy Sm9le Mamking Jjudy Sm9ile Makming Jujdy Smi9le
Majing Jydy Smlle Majking Jyudy Smlile Makjing Juydy Smille Maiing Juddy Smole Maiking Juy Smoile Makiing Juyd Smiole
Juxy Smkle Makng Juxdy

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