Furthest Sense

Unsure of emotions

And unsure of my stand

That time was so perfect

Who could ever understand?

So, don't try to criticize

You don't know the change that's in my eyes

Plastic feelings and emotions

Your lifestyle is your only tie

It's time for a change

I'm not asking, I'm telling you

I'm watching, I'm listening

But to touch seems the furthest sense away

Tomorrow's another day

Regret belongs to yesterday

But I'm screaming, I'm shouting

I'm sick of everything that's said

The stars are out tonight

And in my eyes there is a guiding light

That's keeping me awake

And making my dreams my only sight

It's time for a change

I'm not asking, I'm telling you

I'm watching, I'm listening

But to touch seems the furthest sense away

Mirror lyrics:

But to touch seems the furthest sense away

I'm watching, I'm listening

I'm not asking, I'm telling you

It's time for a change

And making my dreams my only sight

That's keeping me awake

And in my eyes there is a guiding light

The stars are out tonight

I'm sick of everything that's said

But I'm screaming, I'm shouting

Regret belongs to yesterday

Tomorrow's another day

But to touch seems the furthest sense away

I'm watching, I'm listening

I'm not asking, I'm telling you

It's time for a change

Your lifestyle is your only tie

Plastic feelings and emotions

You don't know the change that's in my eyes

So, don't try to criticize

Who could ever understand?

That time was so perfect

And unsure of my stand

Unsure of emotions

Relevant Tags:
FFurthest SSense urthest ense uFrthest eSnse curthest zense cFurthest zSense Fcurthest Szense rurthest wense rFurthest wSense
Frurthest Swense gurthest dense gFurthest dSense Fgurthest Sdense turthest eense tFurthest eSense Fturthest Seense vurthest xense
vFurthest xSense Fvurthest Sxense durthest aense dFurthest aSense Fdurthest Saense Fuurthest Frthest Snse Fruthest Snese
Fhrthest Ssnse Fhurthest Ssense Fuhrthest Sesnse F7rthest S3nse F7urthest S3ense Fu7rthest Se3nse Fkrthest Sfnse Fkurthest Sfense
Fukrthest Sefnse Firthest Srnse Fiurthest Srense Fuirthest Sernse F8rthest S4nse F8urthest S4ense Fu8rthest Se4nse Fjrthest Sdnse
Fjurthest Fujrthest Sednse Fyrthest Swnse Fyurthest Fuyrthest Sewnse Furrthest Sennse Futhest Sese Futrhest Sesne
Fudthest Semse Fudrthest Semnse Furdthest Senmse Fu4thest Sehse Fu4rthest Sehnse Fur4thest Senhse Fugthest Sejse Fugrthest Sejnse
Furgthest Senjse Futthest Sebse Futrthest Sebnse Furtthest Senbse Fu5thest Sensse Fu5rthest Sene Fur5thest Senes Fufthest Senze
Fufrthest Senzse Furfthest Sensze Fuethest Senwe Fuerthest Senwse Furethest Senswe Sende Furhest Sendse Furhtest Sensde
Furfhest Senee Senese Furtfhest Sensee Fur5hest Senxe Senxse Furt5hest Sensxe Furhhest Senae Furhthest Senase
Furthhest Sensae Furyhest Furythest Sens Furtyhest Sense Fur6hest Senss Fur6thest

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