Ricky Van Shelton
Who'll Turn Out The Lights

I wonder who'll turn out the lights
In your world tonight
Whose shoulder will your head
Be resting on?

Do your hungry arms reach
For a man you feel you need
Will that need still be there
when he's gone?

As I reach for the switch
That turns out my lights
I wonder who'll turn out the lights
In your world tonight?

Has someone found the secret
OF that I couldn't find
Is he touching that old switch
That I've touched so many times?

Is he turnin' on the woman
I could never satisfy
I wonder who'll turn out the lights
In your world tonight?

--- Instrumental ---

Has someone found the secret
Of that I couldn't find
Is he touching that old switch
That I've touched so many times?

Is he turnin' on the woman
I could never satisfy
I wonder who'll turn out the lights
In your world tonight?

I wonder who'll turn out the lights
In your world tonight?...

Mirror lyrics:

In your world tonight?...
I wonder who'll turn out the lights

In your world tonight?
I wonder who'll turn out the lights
I could never satisfy
Is he turnin' on the woman

That I've touched so many times?
Is he touching that old switch
Of that I couldn't find
Has someone found the secret

--- Instrumental ---

In your world tonight?
I wonder who'll turn out the lights
I could never satisfy
Is he turnin' on the woman

That I've touched so many times?
Is he touching that old switch
OF that I couldn't find
Has someone found the secret

In your world tonight?
I wonder who'll turn out the lights
That turns out my lights
As I reach for the switch

when he's gone?
Will that need still be there
For a man you feel you need
Do your hungry arms reach

Be resting on?
Whose shoulder will your head
In your world tonight
I wonder who'll turn out the lights

Relevant Tags:
WWho'll TTurn OOut TThe LLights ho'll urn ut he ights hWo'll uTrn uOt hTe iLghts aho'll furn kut fhe kights aWho'll fTurn kOut fThe kLights
Waho'll Tfurn Okut Tfhe Lkights 3ho'll 5urn 9ut 5he oights 3Who'll 5Turn 9Out 5The oLights W3ho'll T5urn O9ut T5he Loights dho'll hurn 0ut hhe pights
dWho'll hTurn 0Out hThe pLights Wdho'll Thurn O0ut Thhe Lpights eho'll yurn lut yhe Liights eWho'll yTurn lOut yThe Lghts Weho'll Tyurn Olut Tyhe Lgihts
sho'll 6urn iut 6he Ljghts sWho'll 6Turn iOut 6The Ljights Wsho'll T6urn Oiut T6he Lijghts 2ho'll gurn Ouut ghe L9ghts 2Who'll gTurn Ot gThe L9ights
W2ho'll Tgurn Otu Tghe Li9ghts qho'll rurn Oht rhe Llghts qWho'll rTurn Ohut rThe Llights Wqho'll Trurn Ouht Trhe Lilghts Whho'll Tuurn O7t Loghts
Wo'll Trn O7ut Te Woh'll Trun Ou7t Teh Lioghts Wjo'll Thrn Okt Tje Lkghts Wjho'll Tjhe Whjo'll Tuhrn Oukt Thje Likghts
Wuo'll T7rn Oit Tue L8ghts Wuho'll T7urn Tuhe L8ights Whuo'll Tu7rn Ouit Thue Li8ghts Wno'll Tkrn O8t Tne Lughts Wnho'll Tkurn O8ut Tnhe Luights
Whno'll Tukrn Ou8t Thne Liughts Wbo'll Tirn Ojt Tbe Ligghts Wbho'll Tiurn Ojut Tbhe Lihts Whbo'll Tuirn Oujt Thbe Lihgts Wgo'll T8rn Oyt Tge Lihhts
Wgho'll T8urn Oyut Lihghts Whgo'll Tu8rn Ouyt Thge Lighhts Wyo'll Tjrn Outt Tye Liyhts Wyho'll Tjurn Ou Liyghts Whyo'll Tujrn Out Thye Ligyhts
Whoo'll Tyrn Ouf Thee Libhts Wh'll Ouft Th Libghts Wh'oll Tuyrn Outf The Ligbhts Whk'll Turrn Ou5 Ths Livhts Whko'll Tun Ou5t Thse Livghts
Whok'll Tunr Out5 Thes Ligvhts Wh9'll Tudn Ouh Th3 Lifhts Wh9o'll Tudrn Th3e Lifghts Who9'll Turdn Outh The3 Ligfhts Wh0'll Tu4n Ouy Thf Lithts
Wh0o'll Tu4rn Thfe Litghts Who0'll Tur4n Outy Thef Ligthts

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