Ricky Van Shelton
Let Me Live With Love (and Die With You)

(Red Lane - Skip Ewing)

Honey, sit down let me tell you what I'm thinking
The story I remember as a kid
About a man who tried to tell his wife he loved her
And the strong and simple heart felt way he did.

He said, I thank the Lord for blessing me with feelings
And the strenght to work and live the way I do
And then I asked my two most wanted wishes
Let me live with love and die with you.

--- Instrumental ---

Now the woman in that story was my mama
So I'm passin' on a family legacy
And when I tell you that I feel just like my daddy
And every night I fall down on my knees.

And I thank the Lord for blessing me with feelings
And the strenght to work and live the way I do
And then I asked my two most wanted wishes
Let me live with love and die with you.

Yes, let me live with love and die with you...

Mirror lyrics:

Yes, let me live with love and die with you...

Let me live with love and die with you.
And then I asked my two most wanted wishes
And the strenght to work and live the way I do
And I thank the Lord for blessing me with feelings

And every night I fall down on my knees.
And when I tell you that I feel just like my daddy
So I'm passin' on a family legacy
Now the woman in that story was my mama

--- Instrumental ---

Let me live with love and die with you.
And then I asked my two most wanted wishes
And the strenght to work and live the way I do
He said, I thank the Lord for blessing me with feelings

And the strong and simple heart felt way he did.
About a man who tried to tell his wife he loved her
The story I remember as a kid
Honey, sit down let me tell you what I'm thinking

(Red Lane - Skip Ewing)

Relevant Tags:
LLet MMe LLive WWith LLove ((and DDie WWith YYou) et e ive ith ove and ie ith ou) eLt eM iLve iWth oLve a(nd iDe iWth oYu)
ket je kive aith kove (aand xie aith gou) kLet jMe kLive aWith kLove (nd xDie aWith gYou) Lket Mje Lkive Waith Lkove (nad Dxie Waith Ygou)
oet ke oive 3ith oove (znd eie 3ith hou) oLet kMe oLive 3With oLove (zand eDie 3With hYou) Loet Mke Loive W3ith Loove (aznd Deie W3ith Yhou)
pet ne pive dith pove (qnd fie dith 6ou) pLet nMe pLive dWith pLove (qand fDie dWith 6You) Lpet Mne Lpive Wdith Lpove (aqnd Dfie Wdith Y6ou)
Leet Mee Liive eith (snd rie eith uou) Lt M Lve eWith Lve (sand rDie eWith uYou) Lte Me Lvie Weith Lvoe (asnd Drie Weith Yuou)
Lst Ms Ljve sith Lkve (wnd cie sith 7ou) Lset Mse Ljive sWith (wand cDie sWith 7You) Lest Mes Lijve Wsith Lokve (awnd Dcie Wsith Y7ou)
L3t M3 L9ve 2ith L9ve (xnd sie 2ith jou) L3et M3e L9ive 2With L9ove (xand sDie 2With jYou) Le3t Me3 Li9ve W2ith Lo9ve (axnd Dsie W2ith Yjou)
Lft Mf Llve qith L0ve (annd Diie qith tou) Lfet Mfe Llive qWith L0ove (ad De qWith tYou) Left Mef Lilve Wqith Lo0ve (adn Dei Wqith Ytou)
Lrt Mr Love Wiith Llve (amd Dje Wiith Yoou) Lret Mre Wth Llove (amnd Djie Wth Yu) Lert Mer Liove Wtih Lolve (anmd Dije Wtih Yuo)
L4t M4 Lkve Wjth Live (ahd D9e Wjth Yku) L4et M4e Wjith Liove (ahnd D9ie Wjith Ykou) Le4t Me4 Likve Wijth Loive (anhd Di9e Wijth Yoku)
Ldt Md L8ve W9th Lovve (ajd Dle W9th Y9u) Ldet Mde L8ive W9ith Loe (ajnd Dlie W9ith Y9ou) Ledt Med Li8ve Wi9th Loev (anjd Dile Wi9th Yo9u)
Lwt Mw Luve Wlth Lobe (abd Doe Wlth Y0u) Lwet Mwe Luive Wlith Lobve (abnd Doie Wlith Y0ou) Lewt Mew Liuve Wilth Lovbe (anbd Dioe Wilth Yo0u)
Lett Livve Woth Loce (andd Dke Woth Ylu) Le Lie Woith Locve (an Dkie Woith Ylou) Let Liev Wioth Lovce (and Dike Wioth Yolu)
Lef Libe Wkth Loge (anx D8e Wkth Yiu) Libve Wkith Logve (anxd D8ie Wkith Yiou) Letf Livbe Wikth Lovge (andx Di8e Wikth Yoiu)
Le5 Lice W8th Lofe (ane Due W8th Youu) Le5t Licve W8ith Lofve (aned Duie W8ith Yo) Let5 Livce Wi8th Lovfe (ande Diue Wi8th Yo)u

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