Rise Against
Join The Ranks

With your eyes
Glazed and half-smiling
Explain to me the details
Of your god-given right

You point your finger
In my face but
You cant remember what you
Did last night

It's all fun and games til
You try to justify
It's all fun and done til
You question the choices in your life

All the millions
Of victims who prescribe
To this mediocre life

And all these years
Have been lost
Looking for something
That youll never find!

It's all fun and games til
You try to justify
It's all fun and done til
You question the choices in your life

In your life...

It's all fun and games til
You try to justify
It's all fun and done til
You question the choices in your life

Mirror lyrics:

You question the choices in your life
It's all fun and done til
You try to justify
It's all fun and games til

In your life...

You question the choices in your life
It's all fun and done til
You try to justify
It's all fun and games til

That youll never find!
Looking for something
Have been lost
And all these years

To this mediocre life
Of victims who prescribe
All the millions

You question the choices in your life
It's all fun and done til
You try to justify
It's all fun and games til

Did last night
You cant remember what you
In my face but
You point your finger

Of your god-given right
Explain to me the details
Glazed and half-smiling
With your eyes

Relevant Tags:
JJoin TThe RRanks oin he anks oJin hTe aRnks koin fhe danks kJoin fThe dRanks Jkoin Tfhe Rdanks ioin 5he 4anks iJoin 5The 4Ranks
Jioin T5he R4anks moin hhe ganks mJoin hThe gRanks Jmoin Thhe Rganks noin yhe tanks nJoin yThe tRanks Jnoin Tyhe Rtanks hoin 6he 5anks
hJoin 6The 5Ranks Jhoin T6he R5anks uoin ghe fanks uJoin gThe fRanks Juoin Tghe Rfanks Jooin rhe eanks Jin rThe eRanks Jion Trhe Reanks
Jkin Raanks Te Rnks Jokin Teh Rnaks J9in Tje Rznks J9oin Tjhe Rzanks Jo9in Thje Raznks J0in Tue Rqnks J0oin Tuhe Rqanks
Jo0in Thue Raqnks Jlin Tne Rsnks Jloin Tnhe Rsanks Jolin Thne Rasnks Jiin Tbe Rwnks Tbhe Rwanks Joiin Thbe Rawnks Tge Rxnks
Jon Rxanks Joni Thge Raxnks Jojn Tye Rannks Jojin Raks Joijn Thye Rakns Jo9n Thee Ramks Th Ramnks

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