Rise Against
Long Forgotten Sons

Far from home on a road unknown
Where the vultures circle on winds that blow
From northern skies that haunt these waking moments
On shadows cast by the mountain range
On calloused soles we find our way
Through desperate eyes, we long for the horizon
While this sun is rising

We are the long forgotten sons
And daughters that don't belong to anyone
We are alone under this sun
We work to fix the work that you've undone

When cries for help go unanswered
And signal fires just burn and burn
We wonder if we're waiting here for nothing
Cuz our lips are sewn our ears are filled
With the constant drone of the unfulfilled
But we'll never fall if we stand for something
We stand for something

Yeah we are the long forgotten sons
And daughters that don't belong to anyone
We are alone under this sun
We work to fix the work that you've undone

Don't fall, I see lights in the distance
They're not far away
Stand up because the sky is turning gray

There's hope in these footsteps of persistence
So don't go astray
These lights get closer everyday

Cuz we are the long forgotten sons
And we are the long forgotten sons
We are the long forgotten sons
And daughters that don't belong to anyone
We are alone under this sun
We work to fix the work that you've undone
What you've undone

Mirror lyrics:

What you've undone
We work to fix the work that you've undone
We are alone under this sun
And daughters that don't belong to anyone
We are the long forgotten sons
And we are the long forgotten sons
Cuz we are the long forgotten sons

These lights get closer everyday
So don't go astray
There's hope in these footsteps of persistence

Stand up because the sky is turning gray
They're not far away
Don't fall, I see lights in the distance

We work to fix the work that you've undone
We are alone under this sun
And daughters that don't belong to anyone
Yeah we are the long forgotten sons

We stand for something
But we'll never fall if we stand for something
With the constant drone of the unfulfilled
Cuz our lips are sewn our ears are filled
We wonder if we're waiting here for nothing
And signal fires just burn and burn
When cries for help go unanswered

We work to fix the work that you've undone
We are alone under this sun
And daughters that don't belong to anyone
We are the long forgotten sons

While this sun is rising
Through desperate eyes, we long for the horizon
On calloused soles we find our way
On shadows cast by the mountain range
From northern skies that haunt these waking moments
Where the vultures circle on winds that blow
Far from home on a road unknown

Relevant Tags:
LLong FForgotten SSons ong orgotten ons oLng oFrgotten oSns kong corgotten zons kLong cForgotten zSons Lkong Fcorgotten Szons
oong rorgotten wons oLong rForgotten wSons Loong Frorgotten Swons pong gorgotten dons pLong gForgotten dSons Lpong Fgorgotten Sdons
torgotten eons Lng tForgotten eSons Lnog Ftorgotten Seons Lkng vorgotten xons vForgotten xSons Lokng Fvorgotten Sxons
L9ng dorgotten aons L9ong dForgotten aSons Lo9ng Fdorgotten Saons L0ng Foorgotten Soons L0ong Frgotten Sns Lo0ng Frogotten Snos
Llng Fkrgotten Skns Llong Fkorgotten Skons Lolng Fokrgotten Sokns Ling F9rgotten S9ns Liong F9orgotten S9ons Loing Fo9rgotten So9ns
Lonng F0rgotten S0ns Log F0orgotten S0ons Logn Fo0rgotten So0ns Lomg Flrgotten Slns Lomng Florgotten Slons Lonmg Folrgotten Solns
Lohg Firgotten Sins Lohng Fiorgotten Sions Lonhg Foirgotten Soins Lojg Forrgotten Sonns Lojng Fogotten Sos Lonjg Fogrotten Sosn
Lobg Fodgotten Soms Lobng Fodrgotten Somns Lonbg Fordgotten Sonms Longg Fo4gotten Sohs Lon Fo4rgotten Sohns Long For4gotten Sonhs
Lonh Foggotten Sojs Fogrgotten Sojns Longh Forggotten Sonjs Lony Fotgotten Sobs Lonyg Fotrgotten Sobns Longy Fortgotten Sonbs
Lonb Fo5gotten Sonss Fo5rgotten Son Longb For5gotten Sons Lonv Fofgotten Sonz Lonvg Fofrgotten Sonzs Longv Forfgotten Sonsz
Lonf Foegotten Sonw Lonfg Foergotten Sonws Longf Foregotten Sonsw Lont Sond Lontg Forotten Sonds Longt Forogtten Sonsd
Forhotten Sone Forhgotten Sones Forghotten Sonse Foryotten Sonx Forygotten Sonxs Forgyotten Sonsx
Forbotten Sona Forbgotten Sonas Forgbotten Sonsa Forvotten Forvgotten Forgvotten
Forfotten Forgfotten Fortotten Forgtotten Forgootten Forgtten

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