Rise Against
Alive And Well

Now's the time
To rearrange your life
Live for something
Outside of your own mind
We all dream
The same dream everynight
To burn the world that you call civilized

Alive and well
I live to be alive
I live to always strive
For something more
Alive and well
I'll never understand
The who, what, why or when
Of you tonight...

We face the stares of judgement
And almost everyday
The shaking heads
Of disapproval say,
"pray for you to give me something then find out that there was nothing left. "

Recite the words inside (your heart)
Realize that this is nothing
Without your voice
Im not giving up
And ill blame the worst on you
I know whats wrong
Alive and well
I live to be alive
I live to always strive
For something more
Alive and well
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
And I dont need to explain
Myself to you.

Mirror lyrics:

Myself to you.
And I dont need to explain
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Alive and well
For something more
I live to always strive
I live to be alive
Alive and well
I know whats wrong
And ill blame the worst on you
Im not giving up
Without your voice
Realize that this is nothing
Recite the words inside (your heart)

"pray for you to give me something then find out that there was nothing left. "
Of disapproval say,
The shaking heads
And almost everyday
We face the stares of judgement

Of you tonight...
The who, what, why or when
I'll never understand
Alive and well
For something more
I live to always strive
I live to be alive
Alive and well

To burn the world that you call civilized
The same dream everynight
We all dream
Outside of your own mind
Live for something
To rearrange your life
Now's the time

Relevant Tags:
AAlive AAnd WWell live nd ell lAive nAd eWll zlive znd aell zAlive zAnd aWell Azlive Aznd Waell qlive qnd 3ell qAlive qAnd 3Well
Aqlive Aqnd W3ell slive snd dell sAlive sAnd dWell Aslive Asnd Wdell wlive wnd eell wAlive wAnd eWell Awlive Awnd Weell xlive xnd sell
xAlive xAnd sWell Axlive Axnd Wsell Allive Annd 2ell Aive Ad 2Well Ailve Adn W2ell Akive Amd qell Aklive Amnd qWell Alkive Anmd Wqell
Aoive Ahd Aolive Ahnd Wll Aloive Anhd Wlel Apive Ajd Wsll Aplive Ajnd Alpive Anjd Wesll Aliive Abd W3ll Alve Abnd
Alvie Anbd We3ll Aljve Andd Wfll Aljive An Wfell Alijve And Wefll Al9ve Anx Wrll Al9ive Anxd Wrell Ali9ve Andx Werll Allve Ane W4ll
Aned W4ell Alilve Ande We4ll Alove Anf Wdll Anfd Aliove Andf Wedll

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