Talk To Me

I've got a feeling
You've been so confused
There's something that you've been fighting
Deep inside you
I know you got some damage
I know what you've been through
But there's nothing I can't manage
I'm gonna take care of you

Talk to me

Oh, you seem a little nervous
Baby you ain't alone
But lady I'm at your service
So c'mon let me take you home

Talk to me

Mirror lyrics:

Talk to me

So c'mon let me take you home
But lady I'm at your service
Baby you ain't alone
Oh, you seem a little nervous

Talk to me

I'm gonna take care of you
But there's nothing I can't manage
I know what you've been through
I know you got some damage
Deep inside you
There's something that you've been fighting
You've been so confused
I've got a feeling

Relevant Tags:
TTalk TTo MMe alk o e aTlk oT eM falk fo je fTalk fTo jMe Tfalk Tfo Mje 5alk 5o ke 5Talk 5To kMe T5alk T5o Mke halk ho ne hTalk hTo nMe
Thalk Tho Mne yalk yo Mee yTalk yTo M Tyalk Tyo Me 6alk 6o Ms 6Talk 6To Mse T6alk T6o Mes galk go M3 gTalk gTo M3e Tgalk Tgo Me3 ralk ro Mf
rTalk rTo Mfe Tralk Tro Mef Taalk Too Mr Tlk T Mre Tlak To Mer Tzlk Tk M4 Tzalk Tko M4e Tazlk Tok Me4 Tqlk T9 Md Tqalk T9o Mde Taqlk To9 Med
Tslk T0 Mw Tsalk T0o Mwe

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