Ringo Starr
Write One For Me (duet With Willie Nelson)

A young man strumming his guitar in the corner of a bar
Singing about a broken heart for hours and hours
By closing time I face the fact that if I had a gift like that
I know that I could win her back
But there's some things I can't do so now it's up to you

Write one for me
Put the perfect words together
Write one for me
A melody to last forever
I don't have the song so if you please
Tell her she's the right one for me

And It does no good for you to play a pretty song like 'Yesterday'
'Cause that's not what I need to say to get her to love me
And I'm too scared to tell her so, so if you'd be my Cyrano
And send to her a tune I know that she would change her mind
Take a little time and

Write one for me
Put the perfect words together
Write one for me
A melody to last forever
I don't have the song so if you please
Tell her she's the right one for me

If I could have a poem I would send one
But I don't have a pen I can't depend on
I can't come up with a single line
So would you write the song
And tell her that it's my mine, all mine

Write one for me
Put the perfect words together
Write one for me
A melody to last forever
I don't have the song so if you please
Tell her she's the right one for me
Tell her she's the right one for me

Mirror lyrics:

Tell her she's the right one for me
Tell her she's the right one for me
I don't have the song so if you please
A melody to last forever
Write one for me
Put the perfect words together
Write one for me

And tell her that it's my mine, all mine
So would you write the song
I can't come up with a single line
But I don't have a pen I can't depend on
If I could have a poem I would send one

Tell her she's the right one for me
I don't have the song so if you please
A melody to last forever
Write one for me
Put the perfect words together
Write one for me

Take a little time and
And send to her a tune I know that she would change her mind
And I'm too scared to tell her so, so if you'd be my Cyrano
'Cause that's not what I need to say to get her to love me
And It does no good for you to play a pretty song like 'Yesterday'

Tell her she's the right one for me
I don't have the song so if you please
A melody to last forever
Write one for me
Put the perfect words together
Write one for me

But there's some things I can't do so now it's up to you
I know that I could win her back
By closing time I face the fact that if I had a gift like that
Singing about a broken heart for hours and hours
A young man strumming his guitar in the corner of a bar

Relevant Tags:
WWrite OOne FFor MMe ((duet WWith WWillie NNelson) rite ne or e duet ith illie elson) rWite nOe oFr eM d(uet iWth iWllie eNlson)
arite kne cor je (dduet aith aillie melson) aWrite kOne cFor jMe (uet aWith aWillie mNelson) Warite Okne Fcor Mje (udet Waith Waillie Nmelson)
3rite 9ne ror ke (xuet 3ith 3illie helson) 3Write 9One rFor kMe (xduet 3With 3Willie hNelson) W3rite O9ne Fror Mke (dxuet W3ith W3illie Nhelson)
drite 0ne gor ne (euet dith dillie jelson) dWrite 0One gFor nMe (eduet dWith dWillie jNelson) Wdrite O0ne Fgor Mne (deuet Wdith Wdillie Njelson)
erite lne tor Mee (fuet eith eillie belson) eWrite lOne tFor M (fduet eWith eWillie bNelson) Werite Olne Ftor Me (dfuet Weith Weillie Nbelson)
srite ine vor Ms (ruet sith sillie Neelson) sWrite iOne vFor Mse (rduet sWith sWillie Nlson) Wsrite Oine Fvor Mes (druet Wsith Wsillie Nleson)
2rite Onne dor M3 (cuet 2ith 2illie Nslson) 2Write Oe dFor M3e (cduet 2With 2Willie Nselson) W2rite Oen Fdor Me3 (dcuet W2ith W2illie Neslson)
qrite Ome Foor Mf (suet qith qillie N3lson) qWrite Omne Fr Mfe (sduet qWith qWillie N3elson) Wqrite Onme Fro Mef (dsuet Wqith Wqillie Ne3lson)
Wrrite Ohe Fkr Mr (duuet Wiith Wiillie Nflson) Wite Ohne Fkor Mre (det Wth Wllie Nfelson) Wirte Onhe Fokr Mer (deut Wtih Wlilie Neflson)
Wdite Oje F9r M4 (dhet Wjth Wjllie Nrlson) Ojne F9or M4e (dhuet Wjith Wjillie Nrelson) Wrdite Onje Fo9r Me4 (duhet Wijth Wijllie Nerlson)
W4ite Obe F0r Md (d7et W9th W9llie N4lson) W4rite Obne F0or Mde (d7uet W9ith W9illie N4elson) Wr4ite Onbe Fo0r Med (du7et Wi9th Wi9llie Ne4lson)
Wgite Onee Flr Mw (dket Wlth Wlllie Ndlson) Wgrite On Flor Mwe (dkuet Wlith Wlillie Ndelson) Wrgite One Folr Mew (duket Wilth Willlie Nedlson)
Wtite Ons Fir (diet Woth Wollie Nwlson) Wtrite Onse Fior (diuet Woith Woillie Nwelson) Wrtite Ones Foir (duiet Wioth Wiollie Newlson)
W5ite On3 Forr (d8et Wkth Wkllie Nellson) W5rite On3e Fo (d8uet Wkith Wkillie Neson) Wr5ite One3 For (du8et Wikth Wikllie Neslon)
Wfite Onf Fod (djet W8th W8llie Nekson) Wfrite Onfe Fodr (djuet W8ith W8illie Neklson) Wrfite Onef Ford (dujet Wi8th Wi8llie Nelkson)
Weite Onr Fo4 (dyet Wuth Wullie Neoson) Onre Fo4r (dyuet Wuith Wuillie Neolson) Wreite Oner For4 (duyet Wiuth Wiullie Neloson)
Wriite On4 Fog (dueet Witth Nepson) Wrte On4e Fogr (dut Wih Wilie Neplson) Wrtie One4 Forg (dute Wiht Willie Nelpson)
Wrjte Ond Fot (dust Wifh Wiklie Nelsson) Wrjite Onde Fotr (duset Wifth Nelon) Wrijte Oned Fort (duest Witfh Wilklie Nelosn)
Wr9te Onw Fo5 (du3t Wi5h Wiolie Nelzon) Wr9ite Onwe Fo5r (du3et Wi5th Nelzson) Wri9te Onew For5 (due3t Wit5h Wilolie Nelszon)
Wrlte Fof (duft Wihh Wiplie Nelwon)

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