Rise Against
The Unraveling

and all these things that we tie together
keep unraveling apart
and the light that used to burn so bright
now is dark
with anger-laced intent we set fire
to the bridges that remain
and they're wading thru the current now.

and they drown in the flood of the tears
that have been wept
and i scream to the sky
"no, you are not alone..."

if you think that you're words will ever make a difference
think again and carry on
because the weight behind the hand that holds us is strong
but there is hope in the roar of a thousand pleading cries
and all these things that we tie together

the sound of their tongues being bitten
is all I hear
as we fire at the whites of theirs eyes then
dance on ashes of the world

as they drown in the flood of the tears
that have been wept
and their tongues being bitten
is all that I can hear
as I scream to the sky,
"I need you now..."

can you feel this truth now unraveling?
or will you chase the burning sun
into the sea.

Mirror lyrics:

into the sea.
or will you chase the burning sun
can you feel this truth now unraveling?

"I need you now..."
as I scream to the sky,
is all that I can hear
and their tongues being bitten
that have been wept
as they drown in the flood of the tears

dance on ashes of the world
as we fire at the whites of theirs eyes then
is all I hear
the sound of their tongues being bitten

and all these things that we tie together
but there is hope in the roar of a thousand pleading cries
because the weight behind the hand that holds us is strong
think again and carry on
if you think that you're words will ever make a difference

"no, you are not alone..."
and i scream to the sky
that have been wept
and they drown in the flood of the tears

and they're wading thru the current now.
to the bridges that remain
with anger-laced intent we set fire
now is dark
and the light that used to burn so bright
keep unraveling apart
and all these things that we tie together

Relevant Tags:
TThe UUnraveling he nraveling hTe nUraveling fhe hnraveling fThe hUnraveling Tfhe Uhnraveling 5he 7nraveling 5The 7Unraveling
T5he U7nraveling hhe knraveling hThe kUnraveling Thhe Uknraveling yhe inraveling yThe iUnraveling Tyhe Uinraveling 6he 8nraveling
6The 8Unraveling T6he U8nraveling ghe jnraveling gThe jUnraveling Tghe Ujnraveling rhe ynraveling rThe yUnraveling Trhe Uynraveling
Unnraveling Te Uraveling Teh Urnaveling Tje Umraveling Tjhe Umnraveling Thje Unmraveling Tue Uhraveling Tuhe
Thue Unhraveling Tne Ujraveling Tnhe Thne Unjraveling Tbe Ubraveling Tbhe Ubnraveling Thbe Unbraveling Tge Unrraveling
Unaveling Thge Unarveling Tye Undaveling Undraveling Thye Unrdaveling Thee Un4aveling Th Un4raveling The Unr4aveling
Ths Ungaveling Thse Ungraveling Thes Unrgaveling Th3 Untaveling Th3e Untraveling The3 Unrtaveling Thf Un5aveling Thfe Un5raveling
Thef Unr5aveling Thr Unfaveling Thre Unfraveling Ther Unrfaveling Th4 Uneaveling Th4e Uneraveling The4 Unreaveling Thd Unraaveling
Thde Unrveling Thed Unrvaeling Thw Unrzveling Thwe Unrzaveling Thew Unrazveling Unrqveling Unrqaveling Unraqveling
Unrsveling Unrsaveling Unrasveling Unrwveling Unrwaveling Unrawveling Unrxveling Unrxaveling
Unraxveling Unravveling Unraeling Unraevling Unrabeling Unrabveling Unravbeling Unraceling
Unracveling Unravceling Unrageling Unragveling

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