Religious Music
Bright Was The Guiding Star

Bright was the guiding star that led
With mild, benignant ray
The Gentiles to the lowly shed
Where the Redeemer lay.

But lo! a brighter, clearer, light
Now points to His abode
It shines, through sin and sorrow's night
To guide us to our God.

Oh! haste to follow where it leads
The gracious call obey
Be rugged wilds, or flowery meads
The Christian's destined way.

Oh! gladly tread the narrow path
While light and grace are given
Who meekly follow Christ on earth
Shall reign with Him in Heaven...

Mirror lyrics:

Shall reign with Him in Heaven...
Who meekly follow Christ on earth
While light and grace are given
Oh! gladly tread the narrow path

The Christian's destined way.
Be rugged wilds, or flowery meads
The gracious call obey
Oh! haste to follow where it leads

To guide us to our God.
It shines, through sin and sorrow's night
Now points to His abode
But lo! a brighter, clearer, light

Where the Redeemer lay.
The Gentiles to the lowly shed
With mild, benignant ray
Bright was the guiding star that led

Relevant Tags:
BBright WWas TThe GGuiding SStar right as he uiding tar rBight aWs hTe uGiding tSar vright aas fhe huiding ztar vBright aWas fThe hGuiding zStar
Bvright Waas Tfhe Ghuiding Sztar gright 3as 5he yuiding wtar gBright 3Was 5The yGuiding wStar Bgright W3as T5he Gyuiding Swtar nright das hhe buiding dtar
nBright dWas hThe bGuiding dStar Bnright Wdas Thhe Gbuiding Sdtar hright eas yhe vuiding etar hBright eWas yThe vGuiding eStar Bhright Weas Tyhe Gvuiding Setar
Brright sas 6he fuiding xtar Bight sWas 6The fGuiding xStar Birght Wsas T6he Gfuiding Sxtar Bdight 2as ghe tuiding atar Bdright 2Was gThe tGuiding aStar
Brdight W2as Tghe Gtuiding Satar B4ight qas rhe Guuiding Sttar B4right qWas rThe Giding Sar Br4ight Wqas Trhe Giuding Satr Bgight Ghiding Sfar
Ws Te Sftar Brgight Wsa Teh Guhiding Stfar Btight Wzs Tje G7iding S5ar Btright Wzas Tjhe G7uiding S5tar Brtight Wazs Thje Gu7iding St5ar
B5ight Wqs Tue Gkiding Shar B5right Tuhe Gkuiding Shtar Br5ight Waqs Thue Gukiding Sthar Bfight Wss Tne Giiding Syar Bfright Tnhe Giuiding Sytar
Brfight Wass Thne Guiiding Styar Beight Wws Tbe G8iding S6ar Beright Wwas Tbhe G8uiding S6tar Breight Waws Thbe Gu8iding St6ar Briight Wxs Tge Gjiding Sgar
Brght Wxas Gjuiding Sgtar Brgiht Waxs Thge Gujiding Stgar Brjght Tye Gyiding Srar Brjight Wa Srtar Brijght Was Thye Guyiding Strar
Br9ght Waz Thee Staar Br9ight Th Guding Str Bri9ght Wasz The Gudiing Stra Brlght Waw Ths Gujding Stzr Brlight Thse Stzar
Brilght Wasw Thes Guijding Stazr Broght Wad Th3 Gu9ding Stqr Broight Wads Th3e Gu9iding Stqar Brioght Wasd The3 Gui9ding Staqr Brkght Wae Thf Gulding Stsr
Brkight Waes Thfe Guliding Stsar Brikght Wase Thef Guilding Stasr Br8ght Wax Thr Guoding Stwr Br8ight Thre Guoiding Stwar Bri8ght Wasx Ther Guioding Stawr
Brught Waa Th4 Gukding Stxr Bruight Th4e Stxar Briught Wasa The4 Guikding Staxr Brigght Thd Gu8ding Starr Briht Thde Sta
Brihgt Thed Gui8ding Star Brihht Thw Guuding Stad Brihght Thwe Stadr Brighht Thew Guiuding Stard Briyht Guidding Sta4

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