Another Day Down

Another day down-Another day down
Another day down-Another day down
So you're just another cog in a bigger wheel
A roll of the fuzzy dice, to a better deal
Can't seem to get a grip, on the way you feel
It's all too real
Another day down-Another day down
Another day down-Another day down
You've got a job to do, so you get it done
You work from the crack of down to the setting sun
Wish that you could hang around, but you gotta run
So much fun
Another day down-Another day down
Another day down-Another day down
Oh the clock just keeps on ticking till you realize you've ground
Another day down
You tell yourself that everything will be alright
You close your eyes and sleep another dreamless night
Oh the clock just keeps on ticking till you realize you've ground
Another day down-Another day down
Another day down-Another day down
Oh the clock just keeps on ticking (Another day down-Another day down
Oh the clock just keeps on ticking (Another day down-Another day down)
Oh the clock just keeps on ticking (Another day down-Another day down)
Oh the clock just keeps on ticking (Another day down-Another day down)

Mirror lyrics:

Oh the clock just keeps on ticking (Another day down-Another day down)
Oh the clock just keeps on ticking (Another day down-Another day down)
Oh the clock just keeps on ticking (Another day down-Another day down)
Oh the clock just keeps on ticking (Another day down-Another day down
Another day down-Another day down
Another day down-Another day down
Oh the clock just keeps on ticking till you realize you've ground
You close your eyes and sleep another dreamless night
You tell yourself that everything will be alright
Another day down
Oh the clock just keeps on ticking till you realize you've ground
Another day down-Another day down
Another day down-Another day down
So much fun
Wish that you could hang around, but you gotta run
You work from the crack of down to the setting sun
You've got a job to do, so you get it done
Another day down-Another day down
Another day down-Another day down
It's all too real
Can't seem to get a grip, on the way you feel
A roll of the fuzzy dice, to a better deal
So you're just another cog in a bigger wheel
Another day down-Another day down
Another day down-Another day down

Relevant Tags:
AAnother DDay DDown nother ay own nAother aDy oDwn znother xay xown zAnother xDay xDown Aznother Dxay Dxown qnother eay eown
qAnother eDay eDown Aqnother Deay Deown snother fay fown sAnother fDay fDown Asnother Dfay Dfown wnother ray rown wAnother rDay rDown
Awnother Dray Drown xnother cay cown xAnother cDay cDown Axnother Dcay Dcown Annother say sown Aother sDay sDown Aonther Dsay Dsown
Amother Daay Doown Amnother Dy Dwn Anmother Dya Dwon Ahother Dzy Dkwn Ahnother Dzay Dkown Anhother Dazy Dokwn Ajother Dqy D9wn
Ajnother Dqay D9own Anjother Daqy Do9wn Abother Dsy D0wn Abnother D0own Anbother Dasy Do0wn Anoother Dwy Dlwn Anther Dway Dlown
Antoher Dawy Dolwn Ankther Dxy Diwn Ankother Diown Anokther Daxy Doiwn An9ther Dayy Dowwn An9other Da Don Ano9ther Day Donw
An0ther Dag Doan An0other Dagy Doawn Ano0ther Dayg Dowan Anlther Dah Do3n Anlother Dahy Do3wn Anolther Dayh Dow3n Anither Da6 Dodn
Aniother Da6y Dodwn Anoither Day6 Dowdn Anotther Dau Doen Anoher Dauy Doewn Anohter Dayu Dowen Anofher Da7 Dosn Anofther Da7y Doswn
Anotfher Day7 Dowsn Ano5her Daj Do2n Ano5ther Dajy Do2wn Anot5her Dayj Dow2n Anohher Dat Doqn Anohther Daty Doqwn Anothher Dayt Dowqn
Anoyher Downn Anoyther Dow Anotyher Down Ano6her Dowm Ano6ther Dowmn

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