Robert Pollard
Double Standards Inc.

At 90 degrees Kansas sinks into a fine red hue

The same place the fly got smashed

The air smells of money

Double standards, honey

Talk precisely when you're gunning

The tape machine's not running

At the equal opportunity investment seminar

Out there in the fields

Of equally sharp minds

Gimme a quick gimmick- 5 to 1

One smells dynamite

Not one to run from a good fight

Double Standards Incorporated

Mirror lyrics:

Double Standards Incorporated

Not one to run from a good fight

One smells dynamite

Gimme a quick gimmick- 5 to 1

Of equally sharp minds

Out there in the fields

At the equal opportunity investment seminar

The tape machine's not running

Talk precisely when you're gunning

Double standards, honey

The air smells of money

The same place the fly got smashed

At 90 degrees Kansas sinks into a fine red hue

Relevant Tags:
DDouble SStandards IInc. ouble tandards nc. oDuble tSandards nIc. xouble ztandards jnc. xDouble zStandards jInc. Dxouble Sztandards Ijnc.
eouble wtandards 9nc. eDouble wStandards 9Inc. Deouble Swtandards I9nc. fouble dtandards lnc. fDouble dStandards lInc. Dfouble Sdtandards Ilnc.
rouble etandards onc. rDouble eStandards oInc. Drouble Setandards Ionc. couble xtandards knc. cDouble xStandards kInc. Dcouble Sxtandards Iknc.
souble atandards 8nc. sDouble aStandards 8Inc. Dsouble Satandards I8nc. Doouble Sttandards unc. Duble Sandards uInc. Duoble Satndards Iunc.
Dkuble Sfandards Innc. Dkouble Sftandards Ic. Dokuble Stfandards Icn. D9uble S5andards Imc. D9ouble S5tandards Imnc. Do9uble St5andards Inmc.
D0uble Shandards Ihc. D0ouble Shtandards Ihnc. Do0uble Sthandards Inhc. Dluble Syandards Ijc. Dlouble Sytandards Doluble Styandards Injc.
Diuble S6andards Ibc. Diouble S6tandards Ibnc. Doiuble St6andards Inbc. Douuble Sgandards Incc. Doble Sgtandards In. Dobule Stgandards In.c
Dohble Srandards Inf. Dohuble Srtandards Infc. Douhble Strandards Incf. Do7ble Staandards Inx. Do7uble Stndards Inxc. Dou7ble Stnadards Incx.
Dokble Stzndards Inv. Stzandards Invc. Doukble Stazndards Incv. Doible Stqndards Ind. Stqandards Indc. Douible Staqndards Incd.
Do8ble Stsndards Inc.. Do8uble Stsandards Inc Dou8ble Stasndards Inc. Dojble Stwndards Dojuble Stwandards Doujble Stawndards
Doyble Stxndards Doyuble Stxandards Douyble Staxndards Doubble Stanndards Doule Stadards Doulbe Stadnards
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Douboe Staneards Doubole Stanedards Doubloe Standeards

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