Robert Pollard
I Get Rid Of You

I get rid of you with everything I do
I get rid of you x2
you're my kind of woman
tell me what to do

And I will not pretend to be
extending a hand that holds the key
unlocking a plan that can consider you
and you are ill prepared to fight
living in a world of soft and white
in air conditioned battle zones
I pity you

And from here to you
I'm seeing souls in collision
who can they be?
with eyes in all directions
but why can't they see?

That the site of you
is starting up a war inside of me
the sight of you
is building up a war inside of me

You're my kind of woman
I get rid of you

Mirror lyrics:

I get rid of you
You're my kind of woman

is building up a war inside of me
the sight of you
is starting up a war inside of me
That the site of you

but why can't they see?
with eyes in all directions
who can they be?
I'm seeing souls in collision
And from here to you

I pity you
in air conditioned battle zones
living in a world of soft and white
and you are ill prepared to fight
unlocking a plan that can consider you
extending a hand that holds the key
And I will not pretend to be

tell me what to do
you're my kind of woman
I get rid of you x2
I get rid of you with everything I do

Relevant Tags:
II GGet RRid OOf YYou et id f ou I eGt iRd fO oYu j het did kf gou jI hGet dRid kOf gYou Ij Ghet Rdid Okf Ygou 9 yet 4id 9f hou
9I yGet 4Rid 9Of hYou I9 Gyet R4id O9f Yhou l bet gid 0f 6ou lI bGet gRid 0Of 6You Il Gbet Rgid O0f Y6ou o vet tid lf uou oI vGet tRid lOf uYou
Io Gvet Rtid Olf Yuou k fet 5id if 7ou kI fGet 5Rid iOf 7You Ik Gfet R5id Oif Y7ou 8 tet fid Off jou 8I tGet fRid O jYou I8 Gtet Rfid Of Yjou
u Geet eid Oc tou uI Gt eRid Ocf tYou Iu Gte Reid Ofc Ytou Gst Riid Or Yoou Gset Rd Orf Yu Gest Rdi Ofr Yuo G3t Rjd Og Yku
G3et Rjid Ogf Ykou Ge3t Rijd Ofg Yoku Gft R9d Ot Y9u R9id Otf Y9ou Geft Ri9d Oft Yo9u Grt Rld Ov Y0u Gret Rlid Ovf Y0ou

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