Robert Hunter
Dry Dusty Road

Dry dusty road

Dry dusty road

Brother, won't you carry me along

This dry dusty road

Children shallying

Playing in the morning sun

Spike-heeled lady

Running through the burying ground

You set my soul on fire

You set me on my own

Broke-down car but the wheels still roll

Down the dry, dry dusty road

Stuck inside a tunnel

Beset with diamond lies

Wings of night enclosing

Like a long, long night without a dawning

Being bent on ruin

I tried to sell my name

All that I got for it

Was one good look at flame

Drive, drive dusty road

Dry dusty road

Oh brother, let me carry you along

This dry dusty road

In that flame I saw a face

I've never seen before

If they ask me why, I know

Just who I done this for

No one else to come to

Not much else I know

Not much else I'm good for

Lay away my lady-o

You set my soul on fire

You set me on my own

Broke-down car but the wheels still roll

Down the dry, dry dusty road

Dry dusty road

Dry, dry

Dry dusty road

Dry dusty road

Dry dusty road

Mirror lyrics:

Dry dusty road

Dry dusty road

Dry dusty road

Dry, dry

Dry dusty road

Down the dry, dry dusty road

Broke-down car but the wheels still roll

You set me on my own

You set my soul on fire

Lay away my lady-o

Not much else I'm good for

Not much else I know

No one else to come to

Just who I done this for

If they ask me why, I know

I've never seen before

In that flame I saw a face

This dry dusty road

Oh brother, let me carry you along

Dry dusty road

Drive, drive dusty road

Was one good look at flame

All that I got for it

I tried to sell my name

Being bent on ruin

Like a long, long night without a dawning

Wings of night enclosing

Beset with diamond lies

Stuck inside a tunnel

Down the dry, dry dusty road

Broke-down car but the wheels still roll

You set me on my own

You set my soul on fire

Running through the burying ground

Spike-heeled lady

Playing in the morning sun

Children shallying

This dry dusty road

Brother, won't you carry me along

Dry dusty road

Dry dusty road

Relevant Tags:
DDry DDusty RRoad ry usty oad rDy uDsty oRad xry xusty doad xDry xDusty dRoad Dxry Dxusty Rdoad ery eusty 4oad eDry eDusty 4Road
Dery Deusty R4oad fry fusty goad fDry fDusty gRoad Dfry Dfusty Rgoad rry rusty toad rDry rDusty tRoad Drry Drusty Rtoad cry custy 5oad
cDry cDusty 5Road Dcry Dcusty R5oad sry susty foad sDry sDusty fRoad Dsry Dsusty Rfoad Duusty eoad Dy Dsty eRoad Dyr Dsuty Reoad
Ddy Dhsty Rooad Ddry Dhusty Rad Drdy Duhsty Raod D4y D7sty Rkad D4ry D7usty Rkoad Dr4y Du7sty Rokad Dgy Dksty R9ad Dgry Dkusty R9oad
Drgy Duksty Ro9ad Dty Disty R0ad Dtry Diusty R0oad Drty Duisty Ro0ad D5y D8sty Rlad D5ry D8usty Rload Dr5y Du8sty Rolad Dfy Djsty Riad
Djusty Rioad Drfy Dujsty Roiad Dey Dysty Roaad Dyusty Rod Drey Duysty Roda Dryy Dussty Rozd Dr Duty Rozad Dry Dutsy Roazd
Drg Duzty Roqd Duzsty Roqad Dryg Duszty Roaqd Drh Duwty Rosd Drhy Duwsty Rosad Dryh Duswty Roasd Dr6 Dudty Rowd

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