Rick Nelson
Lay Back In The Arms Of Someone

(M. Chapman / N. Chinn)

If you want my sympathy, just open your heart to me
You'll get whatever you'll ever need
You think that's too high for you, oh baby I'd die for you
When there's nothin' left you know where I'll be.

Lay back in the arms someone
Give in to the charms of someone
Lay back in the arms of someone you love
Lay back in the arms someone
When you feel you're a part of someone
Lay back in the arms of someone you love.

So baby, just call on me, when you want all of me
I'll be your lover, I'll be your friend
You think that's too high for you, but baby I'll die for you
When there's nothin' left you know where I'll be.

Lay back in the arms someone
Give in to the charms of someone
Lay back in the arms of someone you love
Lay back in the arms someone
When you feel you're a part of someone
Lay back in the arms of someone you love.

Lay back in the arms someone
Give in to the charms of someone
Lay back in the arms of someone you love.

Lay back in the arms someone
When you feel you're a part of someone
Lay back in the arms of someone you love...

Mirror lyrics:

Lay back in the arms of someone you love...
When you feel you're a part of someone
Lay back in the arms someone

Lay back in the arms of someone you love.
Give in to the charms of someone
Lay back in the arms someone

Lay back in the arms of someone you love.
When you feel you're a part of someone
Lay back in the arms someone
Lay back in the arms of someone you love
Give in to the charms of someone
Lay back in the arms someone

When there's nothin' left you know where I'll be.
You think that's too high for you, but baby I'll die for you
I'll be your lover, I'll be your friend
So baby, just call on me, when you want all of me

Lay back in the arms of someone you love.
When you feel you're a part of someone
Lay back in the arms someone
Lay back in the arms of someone you love
Give in to the charms of someone
Lay back in the arms someone

When there's nothin' left you know where I'll be.
You think that's too high for you, oh baby I'd die for you
You'll get whatever you'll ever need
If you want my sympathy, just open your heart to me

(M. Chapman / N. Chinn)

Relevant Tags:
LLay BBack IIn TThe AArms OOf SSomeone ay ack n he rms f omeone aLy aBck nI hTe rAms fO oSmeone kay vack jn fhe zrms kf zomeone kLay vBack jIn fThe zArms kOf zSomeone
Lkay Bvack Ijn Tfhe Azrms Okf Szomeone oay gack 9n 5he qrms 9f womeone oLay gBack 9In 5The qArms 9Of wSomeone Loay Bgack I9n T5he Aqrms O9f Swomeone pay nack ln hhe srms 0f domeone
pLay nBack lIn hThe sArms 0Of dSomeone Lpay Bnack Iln Thhe Asrms O0f Sdomeone Laay hack on yhe wrms lf eomeone Ly hBack oIn yThe wArms lOf eSomeone Lya Bhack Ion Tyhe Awrms Olf Seomeone
Lzy Baack kn 6he xrms if xomeone Lzay Bck kIn 6The xArms iOf xSomeone Lazy Bcak Ikn T6he Axrms Oif Sxomeone Lqy Bzck 8n ghe Arrms Off aomeone Lqay Bzack 8In gThe Ams O aSomeone
Laqy Bazck I8n Tghe Amrs Of Saomeone Lsy Bqck un rhe Adms Oc Soomeone Lsay Bqack uIn rThe Adrms Ocf Smeone Lasy Baqck Iun Trhe Ardms Ofc Smoeone Lwy Bsck Inn A4ms Or Skmeone
Lway Bsack I Te A4rms Orf Skomeone Lawy Basck In Teh Ar4ms Ofr Sokmeone Lxy Bwck Im Tje Agms Og S9meone Lxay Bwack Imn Tjhe Agrms Ogf S9omeone Laxy Bawck Inm Thje Argms Ofg So9meone
Layy Bxck Ih Tue Atms Ot S0meone La Bxack Ihn Tuhe Atrms Otf S0omeone Lay Baxck Inh Thue Artms Oft So0meone Lag Bacck Ij Tne A5ms Ov Slmeone Lagy Bak Tnhe A5rms Ovf Slomeone
Layg Bakc Inj Thne Ar5ms Ofv Solmeone Lah Bafk Ib Tbe Afms Od Simeone Lahy Bafck Ibn Tbhe Afrms Odf Siomeone Layh Bacfk Inb Thbe Arfms Ofd Soimeone La6 Baxk Tge Aems Sommeone
La6y Aerms Soeone Lay6 Bacxk Thge Arems Soemone Lau Bavk Tye Armms Sojeone Lauy Bavck Ars Sojmeone Layu Bacvk Thye Arsm Somjeone
La7 Badk Thee Arjs Sokeone La7y Badck Th Arjms Lay7 Bacdk The Armjs Somkeone Laj Backk Ths Arks Soneone Lajy Bac Thse Arkms Sonmeone
Layj Back Thes Armks Somneone Lat Bacl Th3 Arns Someeone Laty Baclk Th3e Arnms Somone Layt Backl The3 Armns Somoene Baco Thf Armss Somsone
Bacok Thfe Arm Somseone Backo Thef Arms Somesone Bacm Thr Armz Som3one Bacmk Thre Armzs Som3eone Backm Ther Armsz Some3one
Bacj Th4 Armw Somfone Bacjk Th4e Armws Somfeone Backj The4 Armsw Somefone Baci Thd Armd Somrone Bacik Thde Armds Somreone
Backi Thed Armsd Somerone

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