Rick Nelson
Half Breed

(J. D. Loudermilk)

Your pappy was a traitor and your mammy was an Indian maid boy
Your pappy was a traitor and your mammy was an Indian maid boy
We know all about it and we don't want a half breed around boy
Tomorrow by sunrise, better be outta town boy.

Half breed, they're hot on your trail boy
Half Breed but you'd better not run
Half breed you'd better get a gun boy
Better get a gun and stand boy
Better get a gun and stand.

A man is a man as long as he can stand and think straight
A man is a man as long as he can stand and wait boy
So don't let 'em dog you, no don't let 'em no don't you let 'em boy
You're a human bein' and you're just as good as them boy.

Half breed, they're hot on your trail boy
Half Breed but you'd better not run
Half breed you'd better get a gun boy
Better get a gun and stand boy
Better get a gun and stand...

Mirror lyrics:

Better get a gun and stand...
Better get a gun and stand boy
Half breed you'd better get a gun boy
Half Breed but you'd better not run
Half breed, they're hot on your trail boy

You're a human bein' and you're just as good as them boy.
So don't let 'em dog you, no don't let 'em no don't you let 'em boy
A man is a man as long as he can stand and wait boy
A man is a man as long as he can stand and think straight

Better get a gun and stand.
Better get a gun and stand boy
Half breed you'd better get a gun boy
Half Breed but you'd better not run
Half breed, they're hot on your trail boy

Tomorrow by sunrise, better be outta town boy.
We know all about it and we don't want a half breed around boy
Your pappy was a traitor and your mammy was an Indian maid boy
Your pappy was a traitor and your mammy was an Indian maid boy

(J. D. Loudermilk)

Relevant Tags:
HHalf BBreed alf reed aHlf rBeed jalf vreed jHalf vBreed Hjalf Bvreed ualf greed uHalf gBreed Hualf Bgreed nalf nreed nHalf nBreed
Hnalf Bnreed balf hreed bHalf hBreed Hbalf Bhreed galf Brreed gHalf Beed Hgalf Bered yalf Bdeed yHalf Bdreed Hyalf Brdeed Haalf B4eed
Hlf B4reed Hlaf Br4eed Hzlf Bgeed Hzalf Hazlf Brgeed Hqlf Bteed Hqalf Btreed Haqlf Brteed Hslf B5eed Hsalf B5reed Haslf Br5eed
Hwlf Bfeed Hwalf Bfreed Hawlf Brfeed Hxlf Beeed Hxalf Bereed Haxlf Breeed Hallf Haf Bred Hafl Breed Hakf Brsed Haklf Brseed

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