Rick Nelson
Don't Let Your Goodbye Stand

(R. Stekol)

If you're changing can't include me
It was a matter of time I fear
'Cause I hear most regularly
Like the turning of the year.

The young men gettin' older
Grow sincere much to dry
I'll understand if I can't hold you
I won't share the tears I'll cry.

Would you steal from a dyin' man
Love from an outstretched hand
Upsets no prior plan
Believe in me.

Don't let your goodbye stand
Don't let your goodbye stand
Don't let your goodbye stand.

You can have the better of me
It's your game and it's your rules
I'll concede to labels gladly
As your warm affection cools.

Don't put me out to pasture
Mend your lyin' eyes to me
And it's true it just won't last
If borrowed time is what you need.

Would you steal from a dyin' man
Love from an outstretched hand
Upsets no prior plan
Believe in me.

Don't let your goodbye stand
Don't let your goodbye stand
Don't let your goodbye stand.

Would you steal from a dyin' man
Love from an outstretched hand
Upsets no prior plan
Believe in me.

Don't let your goodbye stand
Don't let your goodbye stand
Don't let your goodbye stand...

Mirror lyrics:

Don't let your goodbye stand...
Don't let your goodbye stand
Don't let your goodbye stand

Believe in me.
Upsets no prior plan
Love from an outstretched hand
Would you steal from a dyin' man

Don't let your goodbye stand.
Don't let your goodbye stand
Don't let your goodbye stand

Believe in me.
Upsets no prior plan
Love from an outstretched hand
Would you steal from a dyin' man

If borrowed time is what you need.
And it's true it just won't last
Mend your lyin' eyes to me
Don't put me out to pasture

As your warm affection cools.
I'll concede to labels gladly
It's your game and it's your rules
You can have the better of me

Don't let your goodbye stand.
Don't let your goodbye stand
Don't let your goodbye stand

Believe in me.
Upsets no prior plan
Love from an outstretched hand
Would you steal from a dyin' man

I won't share the tears I'll cry.
I'll understand if I can't hold you
Grow sincere much to dry
The young men gettin' older

Like the turning of the year.
'Cause I hear most regularly
It was a matter of time I fear
If you're changing can't include me

(R. Stekol)

Relevant Tags:
DDon't LLet YYour GGoodbye SStand on't et our oodbye tand oDn't eLt oYur oGodbye tSand xon't ket gour hoodbye ztand xDon't kLet gYour hGoodbye zStand
Dxon't Lket Ygour Ghoodbye Sztand eon't oet hour yoodbye wtand eDon't oLet hYour yGoodbye wStand Deon't Loet Yhour Gyoodbye Swtand fon't pet 6our boodbye dtand
fDon't pLet 6Your bGoodbye dStand Dfon't Lpet Y6our Gboodbye Sdtand ron't Leet uour voodbye etand rDon't Lt uYour vGoodbye eStand Dron't Lte Yuour Gvoodbye Setand
con't Lst 7our foodbye xtand cDon't Lset 7Your fGoodbye xStand Dcon't Lest Y7our Gfoodbye Sxtand son't L3t jour toodbye atand sDon't L3et jYour tGoodbye aStand
Dson't Le3t Yjour Gtoodbye Satand Doon't Lft tour Gooodbye Sttand Dn't Lfet tYour Godbye Sand Dno't Left Ytour Goodbye Satnd Dkn't Lrt Yoour Gkodbye Sfand
Dkon't Lret Yur Gkoodbye Sftand Dokn't Lert Yuor Gokodbye Stfand D9n't L4t Ykur G9odbye S5and D9on't L4et Ykour G9oodbye S5tand Do9n't Le4t Yokur Go9odbye St5and
D0n't Ldt Y9ur G0odbye Shand D0on't Ldet Y9our G0oodbye Shtand Do0n't Ledt Yo9ur Go0odbye Sthand Dln't Lwt Y0ur Glodbye Syand Dlon't Lwet Y0our Gloodbye Sytand
Doln't Lewt Yo0ur Golodbye Styand Din't Lett Ylur Giodbye S6and Dion't Le Ylour Gioodbye S6tand Doin't Let Yolur Goiodbye St6and Donn't Lef Yiur Sgand
Do't Yiour Sgtand Do'nt Letf Yoiur Godobye Stgand Dom't Le5 Youur Gokdbye Srand Domn't Le5t Yor Srtand Donm't Let5 Yoru Gookdbye Strand
Doh't Leh Yohr Go9dbye Staand Dohn't Leht Yohur Stnd Donh't Leth Youhr Goo9dbye Stnad Doj't Ley Yo7r Go0dbye Stznd Dojn't Leyt Yo7ur Stzand
Donj't Lety You7r Goo0dbye Staznd Dob't Le6 Yokr Goldbye Stqnd Dobn't Le6t Stqand Donb't Let6 Youkr Gooldbye Staqnd Don''t Leg Yoir Goidbye Stsnd
Dont Legt Stsand Dont' Letg Youir Gooidbye Stasnd Don'tt Ler Yo8r Gooddbye Stwnd Don' Yo8ur Goobye Stwand Don't Letr You8r Goobdye Stawnd
Don'f Yojr Gooxbye Stxnd Don'ft Yojur Gooxdbye Stxand Don'tf Youjr Goodxbye Staxnd Don'5 Yoyr Gooebye Stannd Don'5t Yoyur Gooedbye Stad
Don't5 Youyr Goodebye Stadn

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