Rick Nelson
Almost Saturday Night

(J. Fogerty)

Outside my window I can hear the radio
And I know that motor-wagon's gettin' ready to fly
'Cause it's almost Saturday Night.

Bye, bye tomorrow, gonna go to the rodeo
And I know some good ol' boy's gettin' ready to ride
'Cause it's almost Saturday Night.

Gonna push the clouds away
Let the music have it's way
Gonna steal her heart away
And you know I'm goin'.

Outside their singing, the night train is bringing me home
When you hear that locomotion getting ready ride
'Cause it's almost Saturday night.

Gonna push the clouds away
Let the music have it's way
Gonna steal her heart away
And you know I'm goin'.

Outside their singing, the night train is bringing me home
When you hear that locomotion getting ready ride
'Cause it's almost Saturday night...

Mirror lyrics:

'Cause it's almost Saturday night...
When you hear that locomotion getting ready ride
Outside their singing, the night train is bringing me home

And you know I'm goin'.
Gonna steal her heart away
Let the music have it's way
Gonna push the clouds away

'Cause it's almost Saturday night.
When you hear that locomotion getting ready ride
Outside their singing, the night train is bringing me home

And you know I'm goin'.
Gonna steal her heart away
Let the music have it's way
Gonna push the clouds away

'Cause it's almost Saturday Night.
And I know some good ol' boy's gettin' ready to ride
Bye, bye tomorrow, gonna go to the rodeo

'Cause it's almost Saturday Night.
And I know that motor-wagon's gettin' ready to fly
Outside my window I can hear the radio

(J. Fogerty)

Relevant Tags:
AAlmost SSaturday NNight lmost aturday ight lAmost aSturday iNght zlmost zaturday might zAlmost zSaturday mNight Azlmost Szaturday Nmight
qlmost waturday hight qAlmost wSaturday hNight Aqlmost Swaturday Nhight slmost daturday jight sAlmost dSaturday jNight Aslmost Sdaturday Njight
wlmost eaturday bight wAlmost eSaturday bNight Awlmost Seaturday Nbight xlmost xaturday Niight xAlmost xSaturday Nght Axlmost Sxaturday Ngiht
Allmost aaturday Njght Amost aSaturday Amlost Saaturday Nijght Akmost N9ght Aklmost Sturday N9ight Alkmost Staurday Ni9ght
Aomost Szturday Nlght Aolmost Nlight Alomost Sazturday Nilght Apmost Sqturday Noght Aplmost Sqaturday Noight Alpmost Saqturday Nioght
Almmost Ssturday Nkght Alost Ssaturday Nkight Alomst Sasturday Nikght Aljost Swturday N8ght Aljmost N8ight Almjost Sawturday Ni8ght
Alkost Sxturday Nught Nuight Almkost Saxturday Niught Alnost Satturday Nigght Alnmost Saurday Niht Almnost Sautrday Nihgt
Almoost Safurday Nihht Almst Safturday Nihght Almsot Satfurday Nighht Almkst Sa5urday Niyht Sa5turday Niyght Almokst Sat5urday Nigyht
Alm9st Sahurday Nibht Alm9ost Sahturday Nibght Almo9st Sathurday Nigbht Alm0st Sayurday Nivht Alm0ost Sayturday Nivght Almo0st Satyurday Nigvht
Almlst Sa6urday Nifht Almlost Sa6turday Nifght Almolst Sat6urday Nigfht Almist Sagurday Nitht Almiost Sagturday Nitght Almoist Satgurday Nigtht
Almosst Sarurday Almot Sarturday Nigt Almots Satrurday Nigth Almozt Satuurday Nigjt Almozst Satrday Nigjht Almoszt Satruday Nighjt
Almowt Sathrday Nigut Almowst Niguht Almoswt Satuhrday Nighut Almodt Sat7rday Nignt Almodst Sat7urday Nignht Almosdt Satu7rday Nighnt
Almoet Satkrday Nigbt Almoest Satkurday Almoset Satukrday Nighbt Almoxt Satirday Niggt Almoxst Satiurday Almosxt Satuirday Nighgt
Almoat Sat8rday Nigyt Almoast Sat8urday Almosat Satu8rday Nighyt

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