Rick Nelson
Sweeter Than You

I could never be loved by anyone sweeter than you
And I could never belong to anyone sweeter than you
With you to stand beside me I'll never be alone
And what more could I long for than to have you for my own

My only desire is loving you eternally
For no, no other love could ever mean so much to me
So if you say you love me forever I'll be true
And what more could I long for than to live my life with you

I could never be loved by anyone sweeter than you
And I could never belong to anyone sweeter than you

Mirror lyrics:

And I could never belong to anyone sweeter than you
I could never be loved by anyone sweeter than you

And what more could I long for than to live my life with you
So if you say you love me forever I'll be true
For no, no other love could ever mean so much to me
My only desire is loving you eternally

And what more could I long for than to have you for my own
With you to stand beside me I'll never be alone
And I could never belong to anyone sweeter than you
I could never be loved by anyone sweeter than you

Relevant Tags:
SSweeter TThan YYou weeter han ou wSeeter hTan oYu zweeter fhan gou zSweeter fThan gYou Szweeter Tfhan Ygou wweeter 5han hou
wSweeter 5Than hYou Swweeter T5han Yhou dweeter hhan 6ou dSweeter hThan 6You Sdweeter Thhan Y6ou eweeter yhan uou eSweeter yThan uYou
Seweeter Tyhan Yuou xweeter 6han 7ou xSweeter 6Than 7You Sxweeter T6han Y7ou aweeter ghan jou aSweeter gThan jYou Saweeter Tghan Yjou
rhan tou Seeter rThan tYou Seweter Trhan Ytou Saeeter Yoou Tan Yu Swaeeter Tahn Yuo S3eeter Tjan Yku
S3weeter Tjhan Ykou Sw3eeter Thjan Yoku Sdeeter Tuan Y9u Tuhan Y9ou Swdeeter Thuan Yo9u Seeeter Tnan Y0u Tnhan Y0ou
Sweeeter Thnan Yo0u Sseeter Tban Ylu Ssweeter Tbhan Ylou Swseeter Thban Yolu S2eeter Tgan Yiu S2weeter Yiou Sw2eeter Thgan Yoiu
Sqeeter Tyan Youu Sqweeter Yo Swqeeter Thyan You Thaan Yoh Sweter Thn Yohu Sweeter Thna Youh Swseter Thzn Yo7
Thzan Yo7u Sweseter Thazn You7 Sw3eter Thqn Yok Thqan Swe3eter Thaqn Youk Swfeter Thsn Yoi Swfeeter Thsan
Swefeter Thasn Youi Swreter Thwn Yo8 Swreeter Thwan Yo8u Swereter Thawn You8 Sw4eter Thxn Yoj Sw4eeter Thxan Yoju Swe4eter Thaxn Youj
Swdeter Thann Yoy Tha Yoyu Swedeter Than Youy Swweter Tham Thamn Sweweter Thanm

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