Rick Trevino
Doctor Time

Maybe the juke box can heal up a heartache
But I'd go into debt
Maybe the whiskey can wipe out a memory
But it only hurts my head
Maybe some dancing will pick me up
But the best songs always ends
Now I'm down and telling myself
Time is a fools best friend.

Doctor time, have mercy on me
Don't wait too long to set me free
Doctor time, I'm counting on you
Cause your the only one
Who can pull me through

Friends tell me hard work can fill up the hours
But it don't fill this bed
A quarter says a phone call can bring forgiveness
She'd hang up again
Gotta find something to forget her
Everytime I lay down
There ain't a night goes by I don't wish
I'd wake up a year from now

Doctor time, have mercy on me
Don't wait too long to set me free
Doctor time, I'm counting on you
Cause your the only one
Who can pull me through

Time tell the truth your the only one I trust
How many weeks until I leave this heartache in the dust

Doctor time, have mercy on me
Don't wait too long to set me free
Doctor time, I'm counting on you
Cause your the only one
Who can pull me through

Mirror lyrics:

Who can pull me through
Cause your the only one
Doctor time, I'm counting on you
Don't wait too long to set me free
Doctor time, have mercy on me

How many weeks until I leave this heartache in the dust
Time tell the truth your the only one I trust

Who can pull me through
Cause your the only one
Doctor time, I'm counting on you
Don't wait too long to set me free
Doctor time, have mercy on me

I'd wake up a year from now
There ain't a night goes by I don't wish
Everytime I lay down
Gotta find something to forget her
She'd hang up again
A quarter says a phone call can bring forgiveness
But it don't fill this bed
Friends tell me hard work can fill up the hours

Who can pull me through
Cause your the only one
Doctor time, I'm counting on you
Don't wait too long to set me free
Doctor time, have mercy on me

Time is a fools best friend.
Now I'm down and telling myself
But the best songs always ends
Maybe some dancing will pick me up
But it only hurts my head
Maybe the whiskey can wipe out a memory
But I'd go into debt
Maybe the juke box can heal up a heartache

Relevant Tags:
DDoctor TTime octor ime oDctor iTme xoctor fime xDoctor fTime Dxoctor Tfime eoctor 5ime eDoctor 5Time Deoctor T5ime foctor hime
fDoctor hTime Dfoctor Thime roctor yime rDoctor yTime Droctor Tyime coctor 6ime cDoctor 6Time Dcoctor T6ime soctor gime sDoctor gTime
Dsoctor Tgime Dooctor rime Dctor rTime Dcotor Trime Dkctor Tiime Dkoctor Tme Dokctor Tmie D9ctor Tjme D9octor Tjime Do9ctor Tijme
D0ctor T9me D0octor T9ime Do0ctor Ti9me Dlctor Tlme Dloctor Tlime Dolctor Tilme Dictor Tome Dioctor Toime Doictor Tiome Docctor Tkme
Dotor Tkime Dotcor Tikme Doftor T8me Dofctor T8ime Docftor Ti8me Doxtor Tume Doxctor Tuime Docxtor Tiume Dovtor Timme Dovctor Tie
Docvtor Tiem Dodtor Tije Dodctor Docdtor Timje Docttor Tike Docor Docotr Timke Docfor Tine Tinme Doctfor Timne

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