Rick Nelson
You're My One And Only Love


You're my one and only love
I've loved you from the start
My one and only love
I've given you my heart
And though we're worlds apart
You're all I'm thinkin' of
My one and only love.

Though you don't know I'm alive
I still can hope and pray
The time will soon arrive
And on that lucky day
You'd smile at me and say
My one and only love.

--- Instrumental ---

Though you don't know I'm alive
I still can hope and pray
The time will soon arrive
And on that lucky day
You'd smile at me and say
My one and only love.

My one and only love.
My one and only love...

Mirror lyrics:

My one and only love...
My one and only love.

My one and only love.
You'd smile at me and say
And on that lucky day
The time will soon arrive
I still can hope and pray
Though you don't know I'm alive

--- Instrumental ---

My one and only love.
You'd smile at me and say
And on that lucky day
The time will soon arrive
I still can hope and pray
Though you don't know I'm alive

My one and only love.
You're all I'm thinkin' of
And though we're worlds apart
I've given you my heart
My one and only love
I've loved you from the start
You're my one and only love


Relevant Tags:
YYou're MMy OOne AAnd OOnly LLove ou're y ne nd nly ove oYu're yM nOe nAd nOly oLve gou're jy kne znd knly kove gYou're jMy kOne zAnd kOnly kLove
Ygou're Mjy Okne Aznd Oknly Lkove hou're ky 9ne qnd 9nly oove hYou're kMy 9One qAnd 9Only oLove Yhou're Mky O9ne Aqnd O9nly Loove 6ou're ny 0ne snd 0nly pove
6You're nMy 0One sAnd 0Only pLove Y6ou're Mny O0ne Asnd O0nly Lpove uou're Myy lne wnd lnly uYou're M lOne wAnd lOnly Lve Yuou're My Olne Awnd Olnly Lvoe
7ou're Mg ine xnd inly Lkve 7You're Mgy iOne xAnd iOnly Y7ou're Myg Oine Axnd Oinly Lokve jou're Mh Onne Annd Onnly L9ve jYou're Mhy Oe Ad Oly L9ove
Yjou're Myh Oen Adn Olny Lo9ve tou're M6 Ome Amd Omly L0ve tYou're M6y Omne Amnd Omnly L0ove Ytou're My6 Onme Anmd Onmly Lo0ve Yoou're Mu Ohe Ahd Ohly Llve
Yu're Muy Ohne Ahnd Ohnly Llove Yuo're Myu Onhe Anhd Onhly Lolve Yku're M7 Oje Ajd Ojly Live Ykou're M7y Ojne Ajnd Ojnly Liove Yoku're My7 Onje Anjd Onjly Loive
Y9u're Mj Obe Abd Obly Lovve Y9ou're Obne Abnd Obnly Loe Yo9u're Myj Onbe Anbd Onbly Loev Y0u're Mt Onee Andd Onlly Lobe Y0ou're Mty On An Ony Lobve
Yo0u're Myt One And Onyl Lovbe Ylu're Ons Anx Onky Loce Ylou're Onse Anxd Onkly Locve Yolu're Ones Andx Onlky Lovce Yiu're On3 Ane Onoy Loge
Yiou're On3e Aned Onoly Logve Yoiu're One3 Ande Onloy Lovge Youu're Onf Anf Onpy Lofe Yo're Onfe Anfd Onply Lofve Yo'ure Onef Andf Onlpy Lovfe
Yoh're Onr Anr Onlyy Lovee Yohu're Onre Anrd Onl Lov Youh're Oner Andr Only Love Yo7're On4 Anc Onlg Lovs Yo7u're On4e Ancd Onlgy Lovse
You7're One4 Andc Onlyg Loves Yok're Ond Ans Onlh Lov3 Onde Ansd Onlhy Lov3e Youk're Oned Ands Onlyh Love3 Yoi're Onw Onl6 Lovf

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