Rickie Lee Jones
Ghost Train

Well I decided to take the bus
It was about six o five
'Cuz I could hardly walk
In fact, I was just bearing
Under the bridge and over the street
Now every shadow that I meet
They all know my name

And they whisper, "Oh what's the matter Hon?
Don't you know you're ridin' on a ghost train?"

Jupiter Ray on the bus
I remember when Jupiter came to the town
Man, he was one of the best of us
Oh, that stuff can really take you down
Hey, Jupiter Ray is on the bus
I remember when Jupiter was alive
Come to think of it you all have a strange translucence in your eyes

What's the matter son?
Don't you know you're ridin' on the ghost train

You somewhere

You just buy your ticket and get on board
This train don't stop 'cuz we like to ride ride ride ride
We just wanna ride and ride ride ride

Ding goes the trolley
Ooh bang goes the bell
Somebody call my second cousin
Oh I'm not feelin' very well
This is where little blondes check in their furs
This is where little blondes check in their hat
Don't worry about where you were?
We took care of that

Mr Driver is this my stop ?
Mr Driver tell me how to get off
Any way you can, anyway come back into the light

But you wanna get to heaven
You take the devil by the hand
And you slide right into the promised land
'Cuz this could be the night
And this could be the gate
Everybody's waitin' for you darlin'
So don't be late

What's the matter honey ?
Didn't you pay your money for the ghost train?

Well I decided to take the bus
It was about six o five
'Cuz I could hardly walk
In fact, I was just barely alive

Mirror lyrics:

In fact, I was just barely alive
'Cuz I could hardly walk
It was about six o five
Well I decided to take the bus

Didn't you pay your money for the ghost train?
What's the matter honey ?

So don't be late
Everybody's waitin' for you darlin'
And this could be the gate
'Cuz this could be the night
And you slide right into the promised land
You take the devil by the hand
But you wanna get to heaven

Any way you can, anyway come back into the light
Mr Driver tell me how to get off
Mr Driver is this my stop ?

We took care of that
Don't worry about where you were?
This is where little blondes check in their hat
This is where little blondes check in their furs
Oh I'm not feelin' very well
Somebody call my second cousin
Ooh bang goes the bell
Ding goes the trolley

We just wanna ride and ride ride ride
This train don't stop 'cuz we like to ride ride ride ride
You just buy your ticket and get on board

You somewhere

Don't you know you're ridin' on the ghost train
What's the matter son?

Come to think of it you all have a strange translucence in your eyes
I remember when Jupiter was alive
Hey, Jupiter Ray is on the bus
Oh, that stuff can really take you down
Man, he was one of the best of us
I remember when Jupiter came to the town
Jupiter Ray on the bus

Don't you know you're ridin' on a ghost train?"
And they whisper, "Oh what's the matter Hon?

They all know my name
Now every shadow that I meet
Under the bridge and over the street
In fact, I was just bearing
'Cuz I could hardly walk
It was about six o five
Well I decided to take the bus

Relevant Tags:
GGhost TTrain host rain hGost rTain hhost frain hGhost fTrain Ghhost Tfrain yhost 5rain yGhost 5Train Gyhost T5rain bhost hrain
bGhost hTrain Gbhost Thrain vhost yrain vGhost yTrain Gvhost Tyrain fhost 6rain fGhost 6Train Gfhost T6rain thost grain tGhost gTrain
Gthost Tgrain rrain Gost rTrain Gohst Trrain Gjost Gjhost Tain Ghjost Tarin Guost Tdain Guhost Tdrain Ghuost Trdain
Gnost T4ain Gnhost T4rain Ghnost Tr4ain Gbost Tgain Ghbost Trgain Ggost Ttain Gghost Ttrain Ghgost Trtain Gyost T5ain Ghyost Tr5ain
Ghoost Tfain Ghst Ghsot Trfain Ghkst Teain Ghkost Terain Ghokst Treain Gh9st Traain Gh9ost Trin Gho9st Trian

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