Roger Daltrey
Satin And Lace

(David Courtney/Roger Daltrey/Tony Meeham)

Satin and lace
There before my eyes
Walking through a dream
Bearing no disguise
Holding out my hand
I've told my share of lies
But now I understand

Places I've seen
I've searched a million times
To find someone who knows
And understands my mind
No one can hurt me now
No need for me to hide

I've made it
I've played it
I've sang my songs to please them
I've seen them falling from the highest highs
They owned me
But they're lonely
They ended up with nothing
I took my chances and I learnt to fly
Fly away

Time after time
Tried to live with pain
Closed so many doors
But walked back in again
No one to turn and say
No one to show the way
And help me make the change

Satin and lace
There before my eyes
I know it's not a dream
But now that I've arrived
The time has come to see
The chains are gone - I.m free

I've made it
I've played it
I've sang my songs to please them
I've seen them falling from the highest highs
They owned me
But they're lonely
They ended up with nothing
I took my chances and I learnt to fly
Fly away

I've made it
I've played it
I've sang my songs to please them
I've seen them falling from the highest highs
They owned me
But they're lonely
They ended up with nothing
I took my chances and I learnt to fly
Fly away

Mirror lyrics:

Fly away
I took my chances and I learnt to fly
They ended up with nothing
But they're lonely
They owned me
I've seen them falling from the highest highs
I've sang my songs to please them
I've played it
I've made it

Fly away
I took my chances and I learnt to fly
They ended up with nothing
But they're lonely
They owned me
I've seen them falling from the highest highs
I've sang my songs to please them
I've played it
I've made it

The chains are gone - I.m free
The time has come to see
But now that I've arrived
I know it's not a dream
There before my eyes
Satin and lace

And help me make the change
No one to show the way
No one to turn and say
But walked back in again
Closed so many doors
Tried to live with pain
Time after time

Fly away
I took my chances and I learnt to fly
They ended up with nothing
But they're lonely
They owned me
I've seen them falling from the highest highs
I've sang my songs to please them
I've played it
I've made it

No need for me to hide
No one can hurt me now
And understands my mind
To find someone who knows
I've searched a million times
Places I've seen

But now I understand
I've told my share of lies
Holding out my hand
Bearing no disguise
Walking through a dream
There before my eyes
Satin and lace

(David Courtney/Roger Daltrey/Tony Meeham)

Relevant Tags:
SSatin AAnd LLace atin nd ace aStin nAd aLce zatin znd kace zSatin zAnd kLace Szatin Aznd Lkace watin qnd oace wSatin qAnd oLace
Swatin Aqnd Loace datin snd pace dSatin sAnd pLace Sdatin Asnd Lpace eatin wnd Laace eSatin wAnd Lce Seatin Awnd Lcae xatin xnd Lzce
xSatin xAnd Lzace Sxatin Axnd Lazce aatin Annd Lqce aSatin Ad Lqace Saatin Adn Laqce Amd Lsce Stin Amnd Lsace Stain Anmd Lasce
Sztin Ahd Lwce Ahnd Lwace Saztin Anhd Lawce Sqtin Ajd Lxce Sqatin Ajnd Lxace Saqtin Anjd Laxce Sstin Abd Lacce Ssatin Abnd Lae
Sastin Anbd Laec Swtin Andd Lafe An Lafce Sawtin And Lacfe Sxtin Anx Laxe Anxd Saxtin Andx Lacxe Sattin Ane Lave
Sain Aned Lavce Saitn Ande Lacve Safin Anf Lade Saftin Anfd Ladce Satfin Andf Lacde Sa5in Anr Lacee Sa5tin Anrd Lac Sat5in Andr Lace
Sahin Anc Lacs

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