Roger Hodgson
For Every Man

For every man who has a dream, there's a light that's rarely seen 
Within a world where all is greed, all is lies 

For every child who lies awake and hopes that dawn will never break 
To be alone, to be afraid but never cry 

Where is the love, where is the fire we used to share, we used to live 
Where is the hope, where is the flame we used to feel, we used to give 
Where is the man who says he never wants to dream, wants to live

For every man who feels alone working fingers to the bone 
I have a voice, I still yearn and I still cry 

It's not the singer, it's the song, strikes the chord in everyone 
And makes us dance, makes us sing, Makes us fly 

Where is the love, where is the fire we used to share, we used to live 
Where is the hope, where is the flame we used to feel, we used to give 
Were is the man who says he never wants to dream, wants to live 


Where is the love, ...

For every man 
(There's nothing that we know, just watch the magic flow) 

Mirror lyrics:

(There's nothing that we know, just watch the magic flow) 
For every man 

Where is the love, ...


Were is the man who says he never wants to dream, wants to live 
Where is the hope, where is the flame we used to feel, we used to give 
Where is the love, where is the fire we used to share, we used to live 

And makes us dance, makes us sing, Makes us fly 
It's not the singer, it's the song, strikes the chord in everyone 

I have a voice, I still yearn and I still cry 
For every man who feels alone working fingers to the bone 

Where is the man who says he never wants to dream, wants to live
Where is the hope, where is the flame we used to feel, we used to give 
Where is the love, where is the fire we used to share, we used to live 

To be alone, to be afraid but never cry 
For every child who lies awake and hopes that dawn will never break 

Within a world where all is greed, all is lies 
For every man who has a dream, there's a light that's rarely seen 

Relevant Tags:
FFor EEvery MMan or very an oFr vEery aMn cor svery jan cFor sEvery jMan Fcor Esvery Mjan ror 3very kan rFor 3Every kMan Fror E3very Mkan
gor fvery nan gFor fEvery nMan Fgor Efvery Mnan tor rvery Maan tFor rEvery Mn Ftor Ervery Mna vor 4very Mzn vFor 4Every Mzan Fvor E4very Mazn
dor dvery Mqn dFor dEvery Mqan Fdor Edvery Maqn Foor wvery Msn Fr wEvery Msan Fro Ewvery Masn Fkr Evvery Mwn Fkor Eery Mwan Fokr Eevry Mawn
F9r Ebery Mxn F9or Ebvery Mxan Fo9r Evbery Maxn F0r Ecery Mann F0or Ecvery Ma Fo0r Evcery Man Flr Egery Mam Flor Egvery Mamn Folr Evgery Manm
Fir Efery Mah Fior Mahn Foir Evfery Manh Forr Eveery Maj Fo Evry Majn For Evrey Manj Fod Evsry Mab Fodr Evsery Mabn Ford Evesry Manb
Fo4 Ev3ry Fo4r Ev3ery For4 Eve3ry Fog Evfry Fogr Forg Evefry

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