Roger Whittaker
The Twelfth Of Never

Roger Whittaker - The twelfth of never

You ask how much I need you
Must I explain
I need you oh my darling
Like roses need rain

You ask how long I'll love you
I'll tell you true
Until the twelfth of never I'll still be loving you

Hold me close
Never let me go
Hold me close
Melt my heart like April snow

I'll love you 'till the blue bells forget to bloom
I'll love you 'till the clover has lost its perfume
I'll love you 'till the poets run out of rhyme

Oh, until the twelfth of never
And that's a long long time
Until the twelfth of never
And that's a long long time

Mirror lyrics:

And that's a long long time
Until the twelfth of never
And that's a long long time
Oh, until the twelfth of never

I'll love you 'till the poets run out of rhyme
I'll love you 'till the clover has lost its perfume
I'll love you 'till the blue bells forget to bloom

Melt my heart like April snow
Hold me close
Never let me go
Hold me close

Until the twelfth of never I'll still be loving you
I'll tell you true
You ask how long I'll love you

Like roses need rain
I need you oh my darling
Must I explain
You ask how much I need you

Roger Whittaker - The twelfth of never

Relevant Tags:
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Tue T3elfth Ot N4ver Tuhe T3welfth Otf N4ever Thue Tw3elfth Oft Ne4ver Tne Tdelfth Ov Ndver Tnhe Tdwelfth Ovf Ndever Thne Twdelfth Ofv Nedver
Tbe Teelfth Od Nwver Tbhe Tewelfth Odf Nwever Thbe Tweelfth Ofd Newver Tge Tselfth Nevver Tswelfth Neer Thge Twselfth Neevr
Tye T2elfth Neber T2welfth Nebver Thye Tw2elfth Nevber Thee Tqelfth Necer Th Tqwelfth Necver The Twqelfth Nevcer
Ths Neger Thse Twlfth Negver Thes Twlefth Nevger Th3 Twslfth Nefer Th3e The3 Tweslfth Nevfer
Thf Tw3lfth Neveer Thfe Nevr Thef Twe3lfth Nevre Thr Twflfth Nevsr Thre Twfelfth Nevser Ther Tweflfth Nevesr
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Thw Twdlfth Nevrr Thwe Nevrer Thew Twedlfth Neverr

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