Roger Whittaker

Roger Whittaker - Greensleeves

Alas, my love you do me wrong to cast me off discourteously
for I have loved you so long delighting in your company.
I have been ready at your hand to grant whatever your would crave and
I have waged both life and land, your love and good will for to have.
Greensleeves was all my joy. Greensleeves was my delight.
Greensleeves was my heart of gold and who but my lady Greensleeves.

Thou couldst desire no earthly thing but still thou hast it readily.
Thy music for to play and sing and yet thou would not love me.

Greensleeves was all my joy. Greensleeves was my delight.
Greensleeves was my heart of gold and who but my lady Greensleeves.

I would my love entreat you still that thou my constancy may see.
For I remain thy lover true come once again and love me

Greensleeves was all my joy. Greensleeves was my delight.
Greensleeves was my heart of gold and who but my lady Greensleeves.

Mirror lyrics:

Greensleeves was my heart of gold and who but my lady Greensleeves.
Greensleeves was all my joy. Greensleeves was my delight.

For I remain thy lover true come once again and love me
I would my love entreat you still that thou my constancy may see.

Greensleeves was my heart of gold and who but my lady Greensleeves.
Greensleeves was all my joy. Greensleeves was my delight.

Thy music for to play and sing and yet thou would not love me.
Thou couldst desire no earthly thing but still thou hast it readily.

Greensleeves was my heart of gold and who but my lady Greensleeves.
Greensleeves was all my joy. Greensleeves was my delight.
I have waged both life and land, your love and good will for to have.
I have been ready at your hand to grant whatever your would crave and
for I have loved you so long delighting in your company.
Alas, my love you do me wrong to cast me off discourteously

Roger Whittaker - Greensleeves

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G5reensleeves Gr5eensleeves Gfeensleeves Grfeensleeves Geeensleeves Gereensleeves Greeensleeves Grensleeves Greensleeves
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Gresnsleeves Greesnsleeves Gre3nsleeves Gree3nsleeves Grefnsleeves Greefnsleeves Grernsleeves Greernsleeves Gre4nsleeves
Gree4nsleeves Grednsleeves Greednsleeves Grewnsleeves Greewnsleeves Greennsleeves Greesleeves Greesnleeves Greemsleeves
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