Roger Whittaker

Albany, that once stood high over Norton Green
Albany, whose mighty walls the people sheltered under
Albany, proud symbol set in the Highlands free
(This is Gordon McKenzie's story)
Just like a song, a song that lasts forever
(And the story of Albany, his family home)

Albany, that once stood high over Norton Green
Albany, whose mighty walls the people shelter under
Albany, proud symbol set in the Highlands free
Just like a song, a song that lasts forever

Gordon was the eldest son, a golden eagle, so the story runs
His brother Charles, dark as the raven
One night in jealous rage and spite, the raven struck with all his might
The eagle turned as quick as light and slew the raven

Albany, that once stood high over Norton Green
Albany, whose mighty walls the people shelter under
Albany, proud symbol set in the Highlands free
Just like a song, a song that last forever

See the king's men come riding through the heather
McKenzie's life they cry and all his land
Silent clansmen stand motionless together
An English king won't have a Highland man

So the king by his decree did raze and fire poor Albany
To let the people see his power the island justice still prevails
And according to the clansman's tales
A golden eagle nests forever in her tower

Albany, that once stood high over Norton Green
Albany, whose mighty walls the people shelter under
Albany, proud symbol set in the Highlands free
Just like a song, a song that last forever

Albany, that once stood high over Norton Green
Albany, whose mighty walls the people shelter under
Albany, proud symbol set in the Highlands free
Just like a song, a song that last forever

Albany, that once stood high over Norton Green
Albany, whose mighty walls the people shelter

Mirror lyrics:

Albany, whose mighty walls the people shelter
Albany, that once stood high over Norton Green

Just like a song, a song that last forever
Albany, proud symbol set in the Highlands free
Albany, whose mighty walls the people shelter under
Albany, that once stood high over Norton Green

Just like a song, a song that last forever
Albany, proud symbol set in the Highlands free
Albany, whose mighty walls the people shelter under
Albany, that once stood high over Norton Green

A golden eagle nests forever in her tower
And according to the clansman's tales
To let the people see his power the island justice still prevails
So the king by his decree did raze and fire poor Albany

An English king won't have a Highland man
Silent clansmen stand motionless together
McKenzie's life they cry and all his land
See the king's men come riding through the heather

Just like a song, a song that last forever
Albany, proud symbol set in the Highlands free
Albany, whose mighty walls the people shelter under
Albany, that once stood high over Norton Green

The eagle turned as quick as light and slew the raven
One night in jealous rage and spite, the raven struck with all his might
His brother Charles, dark as the raven
Gordon was the eldest son, a golden eagle, so the story runs

Just like a song, a song that lasts forever
Albany, proud symbol set in the Highlands free
Albany, whose mighty walls the people shelter under
Albany, that once stood high over Norton Green

(And the story of Albany, his family home)
Just like a song, a song that lasts forever
(This is Gordon McKenzie's story)
Albany, proud symbol set in the Highlands free
Albany, whose mighty walls the people sheltered under
Albany, that once stood high over Norton Green

Relevant Tags:
AAlbany lbany lAbany zlbany zAlbany Azlbany qlbany qAlbany Aqlbany slbany sAlbany
Aslbany wlbany wAlbany Awlbany xlbany xAlbany Axlbany Allbany Abany Ablany Akbany
Aklbany Alkbany Aobany Aolbany Alobany Apbany Aplbany Alpbany Albbany Alany Alabny
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