Richard Marx
You Never Take Me Dancing

The world's greatest mystery
Is love between the woman and the man
Some guys are Romeos
Others simply do the best they can

I'm just your average, ordinary Joe
Tryin' to learn things I never knew I had to know

What's a man supposed to do
I don't get no kick from nine to five
And I'm not a man who thinks it's true
It's a woman's place to keep a love alive
I've watched enough daytime TV
To know my baby's needs
But sometimes I swear that's she's impossible to please
She says

You give me all that I want of your money, baby
But you never take me dancing

I really think I do a lot to show
How I feel about her in my way
Roses on our anniversary
Candlelight and me on her birthday
Just when I thought that I had it all worked out
Now she says I still don't know what it's all about
She says

You give me all that I want of your money, baby
But you never take me dancing
You give me sweet little talk, call me honey, baby
Bu you never take me dancing
I'm just your average, ordinary Joe
Tryin' to learn things I never knew I had to know

Chorus out

Mirror lyrics:

Chorus out

Tryin' to learn things I never knew I had to know
I'm just your average, ordinary Joe
Bu you never take me dancing
You give me sweet little talk, call me honey, baby
But you never take me dancing
You give me all that I want of your money, baby

She says
Now she says I still don't know what it's all about
Just when I thought that I had it all worked out
Candlelight and me on her birthday
Roses on our anniversary
How I feel about her in my way
I really think I do a lot to show

But you never take me dancing
You give me all that I want of your money, baby

She says
But sometimes I swear that's she's impossible to please
To know my baby's needs
I've watched enough daytime TV
It's a woman's place to keep a love alive
And I'm not a man who thinks it's true
I don't get no kick from nine to five
What's a man supposed to do

Tryin' to learn things I never knew I had to know
I'm just your average, ordinary Joe

Others simply do the best they can
Some guys are Romeos
Is love between the woman and the man
The world's greatest mystery

Relevant Tags:
YYou NNever TTake MMe DDancing ou ever ake e ancing oYu eNver aTke eM aDncing gou mever fake je xancing gYou mNever fTake jMe xDancing
Ygou Nmever Tfake Mje Dxancing hou hever 5ake ke eancing hYou hNever 5Take kMe eDancing Yhou Nhever T5ake Mke Deancing 6ou jever hake ne fancing
6You jNever hTake nMe fDancing Y6ou Njever Thake Mne Dfancing uou bever yake Mee rancing uYou bNever yTake M rDancing Yuou Nbever Tyake Me Drancing
7ou Neever 6ake Ms cancing 7You Nver 6Take Mse cDancing Y7ou Nveer T6ake Mes Dcancing jou Nsver gake M3 sancing jYou Nsever gTake M3e sDancing
Yjou Nesver Tgake Me3 Dsancing tou N3ver rake Mf Daancing tYou N3ever rTake Mfe Dncing Ytou Ne3ver Trake Mef Dnacing Yoou Nfver Taake Mr Dzncing
Yu Nfever Tke Mre Dzancing Yuo Nefver Tkae Mer Dazncing Yku Nrver Tzke M4 Dqncing Ykou Nrever Tzake M4e Dqancing Yoku Nerver Tazke Me4 Daqncing
Y9u N4ver Tqke Md Dsncing Y9ou N4ever Tqake Mde Yo9u Ne4ver Taqke Med Dasncing Y0u Ndver Tske Mw Dwncing Y0ou Ndever Tsake Mwe Dwancing
Yo0u Nedver Taske Mew Dawncing Ylu Nwver Twke Dxncing Ylou Nwever Twake Yolu Newver Tawke Daxncing Yiu Nevver Txke Danncing
Yiou Neer Txake Dacing Yoiu Neevr Taxke Dacning Youu Neber Takke Damcing Yo Nebver Tae Damncing You Nevber Taek Danmcing
Yoh Necer Tale Dahcing Yohu Necver Talke Dahncing Youh Nevcer Takle Danhcing Yo7 Neger Taoe Dajcing Yo7u Negver Taoke Dajncing
You7 Nevger Takoe Danjcing Yok Nefer Tame Dabcing Tamke Dabncing Youk Nevfer Takme Danbcing Yoi Neveer Taje Danccing
Nevr Tajke Daning Youi Nevre Takje Danicng Yo8 Nevsr Taie Danfing Yo8u Nevser Taike Danfcing You8 Nevesr Takie Dancfing
Yoj Nev3r Takee Danxing Yoju Nev3er Tak Danxcing

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