Richard Marx
Ready To Fly

I've been trying to open the door
To the secret of my destiny
And every new road I think is the one
Seems to lead right back to me

I've looked for a way to be wiser
A way to be strong
Now I see the answer was hiding
In me all along

And I'm ready to fly
Over the sun
Like a rocket to heaven
And I'm ready to soar
Right through the sky
Never dreamed I'd find something to lift me so high
I've always had wings
But I wasn't ready to fly

Restless, hopeless, and misunderstood
Like so many others I know
So busy tryin' to keep holdin' on
When I should've been letting go

I was given the gift to find it
The spirit inside me
But I never really imagined
All I could be

And I'm ready to fly
Over the sun
Like a rocket to heaven
And I'm ready to soar
Right through the sky
Never dreamed I'd find something to lift me so high
I've always had wings
But I wasn't ready to fly

The answer to all of my wonder
Was right in my hands
Now it's time for me to discover
All that I am

And I'm ready to fly
Over the sun
Like a rocket to heaven
And I'm ready to soar
Right through the sky
Never dreamed I'd find something to lift me so high
I've always had wings
But I wasn't ready to fly

I've always had wings
Now I'm finally ready to fly

Mirror lyrics:

Now I'm finally ready to fly
I've always had wings

But I wasn't ready to fly
I've always had wings
Never dreamed I'd find something to lift me so high
Right through the sky
And I'm ready to soar
Like a rocket to heaven
Over the sun
And I'm ready to fly

All that I am
Now it's time for me to discover
Was right in my hands
The answer to all of my wonder

But I wasn't ready to fly
I've always had wings
Never dreamed I'd find something to lift me so high
Right through the sky
And I'm ready to soar
Like a rocket to heaven
Over the sun
And I'm ready to fly

All I could be
But I never really imagined
The spirit inside me
I was given the gift to find it

When I should've been letting go
So busy tryin' to keep holdin' on
Like so many others I know
Restless, hopeless, and misunderstood

But I wasn't ready to fly
I've always had wings
Never dreamed I'd find something to lift me so high
Right through the sky
And I'm ready to soar
Like a rocket to heaven
Over the sun
And I'm ready to fly

In me all along
Now I see the answer was hiding
A way to be strong
I've looked for a way to be wiser

Seems to lead right back to me
And every new road I think is the one
To the secret of my destiny
I've been trying to open the door

Relevant Tags:
RReady TTo FFly eady o ly eRady oT lFy deady fo cly dReady fTo cFly Rdeady Tfo Fcly 4eady 5o rly 4Ready 5To rFly R4eady T5o Frly
geady ho gly gReady hTo gFly Rgeady Tho Fgly teady yo tly tReady yTo tFly Rteady Tyo Ftly 5eady 6o vly 5Ready 6To vFly R5eady T6o Fvly
feady go dly fReady gTo dFly Rfeady Tgo Fdly eeady ro Flly eReady rTo Fy Reeady Tro Fyl Too Fky Rady T Fkly Raedy To Flky
Rsady Tk Foy Rseady Tko Foly Resady Tok Floy R3ady T9 Fpy R3eady T9o Fply Re3ady To9 Flpy Rfady T0 Flyy T0o Fl Refady To0 Fly
Rrady Tl Flg Rready Tlo Flgy Rerady Tol Flyg R4ady Ti Flh Tio Flhy Re4ady Toi Flyh Rdady Fl6 Fl6y Redady Fly6
Rwady Flu Rweady Fluy Rewady Flyu Reaady Fl7 Redy Fl7y Reday Fly7 Rezdy Flj

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