Richard M. Sherman
That's What Friends Are For (the Vulture Song) (an...

We're your friends
We're your friends
We're your friends to the bitter end
When you're alone
Who comes around
To pluck you up
When you are down
And when you're outside, looking in
Who's there to open the door?
That's what friends are for!
Who's always eager to extend
A friendly claw?
That's what friends are for!
And when you're lost in dire need
Who's at your side at lighting speed?
We're friends with every creature
Comin' down the pike
In fact we never met an animal
We didn't like, didn't like
So you can see
We're friends in need
And friends in need
Are friends indeed
We'll keep you safe
In the jungle for evermore!
That's what friends are for!

Mirror lyrics:

That's what friends are for!
In the jungle for evermore!
We'll keep you safe
Are friends indeed
And friends in need
We're friends in need
So you can see
We didn't like, didn't like
In fact we never met an animal
Comin' down the pike
We're friends with every creature
Who's at your side at lighting speed?
And when you're lost in dire need
That's what friends are for!
A friendly claw?
Who's always eager to extend
That's what friends are for!
Who's there to open the door?
And when you're outside, looking in
When you are down
To pluck you up
Who comes around
When you're alone
We're your friends to the bitter end
We're your friends
We're your friends

Relevant Tags:
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Thazt's Whazt Frijends Are3 Forg (the Vulpture Sonjg) Thqt's Whqt Fr9ends Arf Fot (ths Vultture Sobg)
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