Richard Ashcroft
Brave New World

Into this brave new world,
I hope i see you in the other side
of this changing world.
Baby when my ship pulls in
i try to believe in anyone,
look at the state I'm in

But for now
I'm just sitted at the table
admiring songs, wishing i was able

na na na na naranana (3)
I hope i see you at the other side
na na na na naranana
I hope i see you at the other side

Rudder dont try new fine
dont try to belive in anyone
or i'll change your mind
baby when my ship pulls in
I try to belive in anyone,
look at the state I'm in (I'm Fine)

But for now
I'm just sitted at the table
admiring songs wishing i was able

na na na na naranana , I hope i see you at the other side (4)
I hope i see you at the other side (5)

But for now
I'm just sitted at the table
admiring songs, wishing i was able

na na na na naranana
no no no noranana (3)
Brave New World

I hope i see ya at the other side
(Don't keep me waiting) (2)
Brave New World

Mirror lyrics:

Brave New World
(Don't keep me waiting) (2)
I hope i see ya at the other side

Brave New World
no no no noranana (3)
na na na na naranana

admiring songs, wishing i was able
I'm just sitted at the table
But for now

I hope i see you at the other side (5)
na na na na naranana , I hope i see you at the other side (4)

admiring songs wishing i was able
I'm just sitted at the table
But for now

look at the state I'm in (I'm Fine)
I try to belive in anyone,
baby when my ship pulls in
or i'll change your mind
dont try to belive in anyone
Rudder dont try new fine

I hope i see you at the other side
na na na na naranana
I hope i see you at the other side
na na na na naranana (3)

admiring songs, wishing i was able
I'm just sitted at the table
But for now

look at the state I'm in
i try to believe in anyone,
Baby when my ship pulls in
of this changing world.
I hope i see you in the other side
Into this brave new world,

Relevant Tags:
BBrave NNew WWorld rave ew orld rBave eNw oWrld vrave mew aorld vBrave mNew aWorld Bvrave Nmew Waorld grave hew 3orld
gBrave hNew 3World Bgrave Nhew W3orld nrave jew dorld nBrave jNew dWorld Bnrave Njew Wdorld hrave bew eorld hBrave bNew eWorld
Bhrave Nbew Weorld Brrave Neew sorld Bave Nw sWorld Barve Nwe Wsorld Bdave Nsw 2orld Bdrave Nsew 2World Brdave Nesw W2orld
B4ave N3w qorld B4rave N3ew qWorld Br4ave Ne3w Wqorld Bgave Nfw Woorld Nfew Wrld Brgave Nefw Wrold Btave Nrw Wkrld
Btrave Nrew Wkorld Brtave Nerw Wokrld B5ave N4w W9rld B5rave N4ew W9orld Br5ave Ne4w Wo9rld Bfave Ndw W0rld Bfrave Ndew W0orld
Brfave Nedw Wo0rld Beave Nww Wlrld Berave Nwew Wlorld Breave Neww Wolrld Braave Wirld Brve Ne Wiorld Brvae New Woirld
Brzve Nea Worrld Brzave Neaw Wold Brazve Newa Wolrd Brqve Ne3 Wodld Brqave Wodrld Braqve New3 Wordld Brsve Ned Wo4ld
Brsave Wo4rld

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