Rich Mullins
See What A Difference

"See what a difference love can make in someone's life
There's a power that abides deep within it
See something wrong but it's so strong you set it right
Who knows, your love just might make a difference

Johnny was so average he was easy to pigeon-hole
He was as common here as mosques are in Istanbul
Even his sins, they were not terribly original
But you know

Love can make him beautiful, love can make him rare
Love could take his self-doubts and turn them into prayers
Love is uncontrollable, love must be obeyed
If it wasn't for the love of God, who could be saved
See what a difference love can make

Judy's ugly, you wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot-pole
She smiles and her face transforms itself into an empty hole
I took her picture but I can't show you because the camera broke

But you know
Love can make her beautiful, love can make her rare
Love could take her self-doubts and turn them into prayers
Love is uncontrollable, love must be obeyed
If it wasn't for the love of God, who could be saved
See what a difference love can make

Love can make them beautiful, love can make them rare
Love could take their self-doubts and turn them into prayers
Love is uncontrollable, love must be obeyed
If it wasn't for the love of God, who could be saved
See what a difference love can make"

Mirror lyrics:

See what a difference love can make"
If it wasn't for the love of God, who could be saved
Love is uncontrollable, love must be obeyed
Love could take their self-doubts and turn them into prayers
Love can make them beautiful, love can make them rare

See what a difference love can make
If it wasn't for the love of God, who could be saved
Love is uncontrollable, love must be obeyed
Love could take her self-doubts and turn them into prayers
Love can make her beautiful, love can make her rare
But you know

I took her picture but I can't show you because the camera broke
She smiles and her face transforms itself into an empty hole
Judy's ugly, you wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot-pole

See what a difference love can make
If it wasn't for the love of God, who could be saved
Love is uncontrollable, love must be obeyed
Love could take his self-doubts and turn them into prayers
Love can make him beautiful, love can make him rare

But you know
Even his sins, they were not terribly original
He was as common here as mosques are in Istanbul
Johnny was so average he was easy to pigeon-hole

Who knows, your love just might make a difference
See something wrong but it's so strong you set it right
There's a power that abides deep within it
"See what a difference love can make in someone's life

Relevant Tags:
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eee ehat w rifference eSee eWhat wA rDifference Seee Wehat Aw Drifference xee shat x cifference xSee sWhat xA cDifference Sxee Wshat Ax Dcifference
aee 2hat sifference aSee 2What sDifference Saee W2hat Dsifference qhat Diifference Se qWhat Dfference See Wqhat Dfiference
Sse Whhat Djfference Ssee Wat Djifference Sese Waht Dijfference S3e Wjat D9fference S3ee Wjhat D9ifference Se3e Whjat Di9fference
Sfe Wuat Dlfference Sfee Wuhat Dlifference Sefe Whuat Dilfference Sre Wnat Dofference Sree Wnhat Doifference Sere Whnat Diofference
S4e Wbat Dkfference S4ee Wbhat Dkifference Se4e Whbat Dikfference Sde Wgat D8fference Wghat D8ifference Sede Whgat Di8fference
Swe Wyat Dufference Wyhat Duifference Sewe Whyat Diufference Whaat Diffference Wht Diference Whta Difference
Ses Whzt Dicference Whzat Dicfference Sees Whazt Difcference Se3 Whqt Dirference Whqat Dirfference See3 Whaqt Difrference
Sef Whst Digference Whsat Digfference Seef Whast Difgference Ser Whwt Ditference Whwat Ditfference Seer Whawt Diftference
Se4 Whxt Divference Whxat Divfference See4 Whaxt Difvference Sed Whatt Didference Wha Didfference Seed What Difdference
Sew Whaf Whaft Seew Whatf Difefrence Wha5 Difcerence Wha5t What5 Diffcerence
Whah Difrerence Whaht Whath Diffrerence Whay Difgerence Whayt Whaty Diffgerence
Wha6 Difterence Wha6t What6 Diffterence Whag Difverence Whagt Whatg Diffverence
Whar Difderence Whart Whatr Diffderence Diffeerence Diffrence Diffreence
Diffsrence Diffserence Diffesrence Diff3rence Diff3erence

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