Rich Mullins
Let Mercy Lead

"Aidan you're young
But Aidan you're growing fast
Me and your mom
And all the love we have
We can only take you so far
As far as we can
But you'll need something more to guide your heart
As you grow into a man

Let mercy lead
Let love be the strength in your legs
And in every footprint that you leave
There'll be a drop of grace
If we can reach
Beyond the wisdom of this age
Into the foolishness of God
That foolishness will save
Those who believe
Although their foolish hearts may break
They will find peace
And I'll meet you in that place
Where mercy leads

Aidan the day
Aidan the day will come
You'll run the race
That takes us way beyond
All our trials and all our failures
And all the good we dream of
But you can't see yet where it is you're heading
But one day you'll see the face of love

Let mercy lead
Let love be the strength in your legs
And in every footprint that you leave
There'll be a drop of grace
If we can reach
Beyond the wisdom of this age
Into the foolishness of God
That foolishness will save
Those who believe
Although their foolish hearts may break
They will find peace
Where mercy leads

Let mercy lead
Let love be the strength in your legs
And in every footprint that you leave
There'll be a drop of grace
If we can reach
Beyond the wisdom of this age
Into the foolishness of God
That foolishness will save
Those who believe
Although their foolish hearts may break
They will find peace
And I'll meet you in that place
Let mercy lead
Let mercy lead

Let mercy lead
Let love be the strength in your legs
And in every footprint that you leave
There'll be a drop of grace
If we can reach
Beyond the wisdom of this age
Into the foolishness of God
That foolishness will save
Let mercy lead

Let mercy lead
Let love be the strength in your legs
And in every footprint that you leave
There'll be a drop of grace
If we can reach
Beyond the wisdom of this age
Into the foolishness of God
That foolishness will save
Let mercy lead

Mirror lyrics:

Let mercy lead
That foolishness will save
Into the foolishness of God
Beyond the wisdom of this age
If we can reach
There'll be a drop of grace
And in every footprint that you leave
Let love be the strength in your legs
Let mercy lead

Let mercy lead
That foolishness will save
Into the foolishness of God
Beyond the wisdom of this age
If we can reach
There'll be a drop of grace
And in every footprint that you leave
Let love be the strength in your legs
Let mercy lead

Let mercy lead
Let mercy lead
And I'll meet you in that place
They will find peace
Although their foolish hearts may break
Those who believe
That foolishness will save
Into the foolishness of God
Beyond the wisdom of this age
If we can reach
There'll be a drop of grace
And in every footprint that you leave
Let love be the strength in your legs
Let mercy lead

Where mercy leads
They will find peace
Although their foolish hearts may break
Those who believe
That foolishness will save
Into the foolishness of God
Beyond the wisdom of this age
If we can reach
There'll be a drop of grace
And in every footprint that you leave
Let love be the strength in your legs
Let mercy lead

But one day you'll see the face of love
But you can't see yet where it is you're heading
And all the good we dream of
All our trials and all our failures
That takes us way beyond
You'll run the race
Aidan the day will come
Aidan the day

Where mercy leads
And I'll meet you in that place
They will find peace
Although their foolish hearts may break
Those who believe
That foolishness will save
Into the foolishness of God
Beyond the wisdom of this age
If we can reach
There'll be a drop of grace
And in every footprint that you leave
Let love be the strength in your legs
Let mercy lead

As you grow into a man
But you'll need something more to guide your heart
As far as we can
We can only take you so far
And all the love we have
Me and your mom
But Aidan you're growing fast
"Aidan you're young

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LLet MMercy LLead et ercy ead eLt eMrcy eLad ket jercy kead kLet jMercy kLead Lket Mjercy Lkead oet kercy oead oLet kMercy oLead
Loet Mkercy Loead pet nercy pead pLet nMercy pLead Lpet Mnercy Lpead Leet Meercy Leead Lt Mrcy Lad Lte Mrecy Laed Lst Msrcy Lsad
Lset Msercy Lsead Lest Mesrcy Lesad L3t M3rcy L3ad L3et M3ercy L3ead Le3t Me3rcy Le3ad Lft Mfrcy Lfad Lfet Mfercy Lfead Left Mefrcy Lefad
Lrt Mrrcy Lrad Lret Mrercy Lread Lert Merrcy Lerad L4t M4rcy L4ad L4et M4ercy L4ead Le4t Me4rcy Le4ad Ldt Mdrcy Ldad Ldet Mdercy Ldead
Ledt Medrcy Ledad Lwt Mwrcy Lwad Lwet Mwercy Lwead Lewt Mewrcy Lewad Lett Leaad Le Mecy Led Let Mecry Leda Lef Medcy Lezd
Lezad Letf Merdcy Leazd Le5 Me4cy Leqd Le5t Leqad Let5 Mer4cy Leaqd Leh Megcy Lesd

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