Rich Mullins
Cry The Name

"I cannot hide this longing that grows
In this temple of silence and stars
But a thief in the night stole in and broke
Every chain that had bound up my heart
I cannot cling to shadows again
So here on this altar tonight
I lay every dream I've ever dreamt
To burn in the fire He lights

I cry the Name of the One who loves me
The Name of the One on whom I call
'Til it roars like thunder
Rolling down these canyon walls

I cry the Name of the One who loves me
The Name of the One on whom I call
'Til it roars like thunder
Rolling down these canyon walls

Every breath I've ever breathed
Was sent as a gift from on high
And with all that is left of all that is me
Up to the Heavens I cry

The Name of the One who loves me
The Name of the One on whom I call
'Til it roars like thunder
Rolling down these canyon walls

I cry the Name of the One who loves me
The Name of the One on whom I call
'Til it roars like thunder
Rolling down these canyon walls

The Name of the One who loves me
Name of the One on whom I call
'Til it roars like thunder
Rolling down these canyon walls

I cry the Name of the One who loves me
The Name of the One on whom I call
Down these canyon walls

I cry out Your name
I cry Your name out
'Til it roars like thunder
Rolling down these canyon walls

The Name of the One on whom I call
'Til it roars like thunder
Rolling down these canyon walls
Down these canyon walls"

Mirror lyrics:

Down these canyon walls"
Rolling down these canyon walls
'Til it roars like thunder
The Name of the One on whom I call

Rolling down these canyon walls
'Til it roars like thunder
I cry Your name out
I cry out Your name

Down these canyon walls
The Name of the One on whom I call
I cry the Name of the One who loves me

Rolling down these canyon walls
'Til it roars like thunder
Name of the One on whom I call
The Name of the One who loves me

Rolling down these canyon walls
'Til it roars like thunder
The Name of the One on whom I call
I cry the Name of the One who loves me

Rolling down these canyon walls
'Til it roars like thunder
The Name of the One on whom I call
The Name of the One who loves me

Up to the Heavens I cry
And with all that is left of all that is me
Was sent as a gift from on high
Every breath I've ever breathed

Rolling down these canyon walls
'Til it roars like thunder
The Name of the One on whom I call
I cry the Name of the One who loves me

Rolling down these canyon walls
'Til it roars like thunder
The Name of the One on whom I call
I cry the Name of the One who loves me

To burn in the fire He lights
I lay every dream I've ever dreamt
So here on this altar tonight
I cannot cling to shadows again
Every chain that had bound up my heart
But a thief in the night stole in and broke
In this temple of silence and stars
"I cannot hide this longing that grows

Relevant Tags:
CCry TThe NName ry he ame rCy hTe aNme fry fhe mame fCry fThe mName Cfry Tfhe Nmame xry 5he hame xCry 5The hName Cxry T5he Nhame
vry hhe jame vCry hThe jName Cvry Thhe Njame dry yhe bame dCry yThe bName Cdry Tyhe Nbame Crry 6he Naame Cy 6The Nme Cyr T6he Nmae
Cdy ghe Nzme gThe Nzame Crdy Tghe Nazme C4y rhe Nqme C4ry rThe Nqame Cr4y Trhe Naqme Cgy Nsme Cgry Te Nsame Crgy Teh Nasme
Cty Tje Nwme Ctry Tjhe Nwame Crty Thje Nawme C5y Tue Nxme C5ry Tuhe Nxame Cr5y Thue Naxme Cfy Tne Namme Tnhe Nae

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