Rhapsody Of Fire
The Bloody Rage Of The Titans

Between my trees the unicorn runs
From the highest mountains the water falls
Flowers and plants now caress my eyes
Along these holy valleys kissed by light
And I am victim of this spell
Wonderful symphony of enchanted lands...
Wonderful symphony of enchanted lands...

The whisper of spring is now carried by winds
The winds from the land of the fire
Where peace is a gift from the king of the kings
It seems so strongly unreal... unreal!

Dragons and demons beware!
It's the rage of the titans...
Is the titans' bloody rage!
Warlords and steelgods beware!
It's the rage of the titans...
Is the titans' bloody rage, bloody rage!

The oak, my sister, smiles at the sun
Now free from the weight of winter
The eagles fly from mountain to mountain
Enchanting my heart... brave heart!

Dragons and demons beware!
It's the rage of the titans...
Is the titans' bloody rage!
Warlords and steelgods beware!
It's the rage of the titans...
Is the titans' bloody rage, bloody rage!

Dragons and demons beware!
It's the rage of the titans...
Is the titans' bloody rage!
Warlords and steelgods beware!
It's the rage of the titans...
Is the titans' bloody rage!
Is the titans' bloody rage!

Mirror lyrics:

Is the titans' bloody rage!
Is the titans' bloody rage!
It's the rage of the titans...
Warlords and steelgods beware!
Is the titans' bloody rage!
It's the rage of the titans...
Dragons and demons beware!

Is the titans' bloody rage, bloody rage!
It's the rage of the titans...
Warlords and steelgods beware!
Is the titans' bloody rage!
It's the rage of the titans...
Dragons and demons beware!

Enchanting my heart... brave heart!
The eagles fly from mountain to mountain
Now free from the weight of winter
The oak, my sister, smiles at the sun

Is the titans' bloody rage, bloody rage!
It's the rage of the titans...
Warlords and steelgods beware!
Is the titans' bloody rage!
It's the rage of the titans...
Dragons and demons beware!

It seems so strongly unreal... unreal!
Where peace is a gift from the king of the kings
The winds from the land of the fire
The whisper of spring is now carried by winds

Wonderful symphony of enchanted lands...
Wonderful symphony of enchanted lands...
And I am victim of this spell
Along these holy valleys kissed by light
Flowers and plants now caress my eyes
From the highest mountains the water falls
Between my trees the unicorn runs

Relevant Tags:
TThe BBloody RRage OOf TThe TTitans he loody age f he itans hTe lBoody aRge fO hTe iTtans fhe vloody dage kf fhe fitans fThe vBloody dRage kOf fThe fTitans
Tfhe Bvloody Rdage Okf Tfhe Tfitans 5he gloody 4age 9f 5he 5itans 5The gBloody 4Rage 9Of 5The 5Titans T5he Bgloody R4age O9f T5he T5itans hhe nloody gage 0f hhe hitans
hThe nBloody gRage 0Of hThe hTitans Thhe Bnloody Rgage O0f Thhe Thitans yhe hloody tage lf yhe yitans yThe hBloody tRage lOf yThe yTitans Tyhe Bhloody Rtage Olf Tyhe Tyitans
6he Blloody 5age if 6he 6itans 6The Boody 5Rage iOf 6The 6Titans T6he Bolody R5age Oif T6he T6itans ghe Bkoody fage Off ghe gitans gThe Bkloody fRage O gThe gTitans
Tghe Blkoody Rfage Of Tghe Tgitans rhe Booody eage Oc rhe ritans rThe Boloody eRage Ocf rThe rTitans Trhe Blooody Reage Ofc Trhe Tritans Bpoody Raage Or Tiitans
Te Bploody Rge Orf Te Ttans Teh Blpoody Rgae Ofr Teh Ttians Tje Rzge Og Tje Tjtans Tjhe Blody Rzage Ogf Tjhe Tjitans Thje Bloody Razge Ofg Thje Tijtans
Tue Blkody Rqge Ot Tue T9tans Tuhe Rqage Otf Tuhe T9itans Thue Blokody Raqge Oft Thue Ti9tans Tne Bl9ody Rsge Ov Tne Tltans Tnhe Bl9oody Rsage Ovf Tnhe Tlitans
Thne Blo9ody Rasge Ofv Thne Tiltans Tbe Bl0ody Rwge Od Tbe Totans Tbhe Bl0oody Rwage Odf Tbhe Toitans Thbe Blo0ody Rawge Ofd Thbe Tiotans Tge Bllody Rxge Tge Tktans
Rxage Tkitans Thge Blolody Raxge Thge Tiktans Tye Bliody Ragge Tye T8tans Blioody Rae T8itans Thye Bloiody Raeg Thye Ti8tans
Thee Rahe Thee Tutans Th Rahge Th Tuitans The Blodoy Raghe The Tiutans Ths Blokdy Raye Ths Tittans Thse Rayge Thse Tians
Thes Blookdy Ragye Thes Tiatns Th3 Blo9dy Rabe Th3 Tifans Th3e Rabge Th3e Tiftans The3 Bloo9dy Ragbe The3 Titfans Thf Blo0dy Rave Thf Ti5ans
Thfe Ravge Thfe Ti5tans Thef Bloo0dy Ragve Thef Tit5ans Thr Bloldy Rafe Thr Tihans Thre Rafge Thre Tihtans Ther Blooldy Ragfe Ther Tithans
Th4 Bloidy Rate Th4 Tiyans Th4e Ratge Th4e Tiytans The4 Blooidy Ragte The4 Tityans

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