Reverend And The Makers
Miss Brown

Oh Miss Brown, ya ruby lipsticks gonna paint the town
You swear you're happy,your eyes let you down
Go on have another one, regret it when tomorrow comes

Oh when you act the fool, I know you want a fella who dunt treat you cruel
One to show the other mothers at the school
That you're not what they say, you're not someone who will do anything

Oh for love of Miss Brown
Oh for love of Miss Brown
Oh for love of Miss Brown
I do it all for the love of Miss Brown

I need to sleep tonight
But I'm not one for overstaying my invite
I won't be creeping out the backdoor when it's nearly light
It's alright when you're bladdered regret it tomorrow comes

Always a man to blame
I bet you'll start a fire counting your old flames
You say you've never met a good'n cos we're all the same
Well some of us are different some of us will do anything

Oh for love of Miss Brown
Oh for love of Miss Brown
Oh for love of Miss Brown
I do it all for the love of Miss Brown

I bet that your son's got more uncles than most
Who's this strange man eating frosties and toast
I bet that your son's got more uncles than most
Introductions at breakfast, frosties and toast

Oh for love of Miss Brown
Oh for love of Miss Brown
Oh for love of Miss Brown
I do it all for the love of Miss Brown

Mirror lyrics:

I do it all for the love of Miss Brown
Oh for love of Miss Brown
Oh for love of Miss Brown
Oh for love of Miss Brown

Introductions at breakfast, frosties and toast
I bet that your son's got more uncles than most
Who's this strange man eating frosties and toast
I bet that your son's got more uncles than most

I do it all for the love of Miss Brown
Oh for love of Miss Brown
Oh for love of Miss Brown
Oh for love of Miss Brown

Well some of us are different some of us will do anything
You say you've never met a good'n cos we're all the same
I bet you'll start a fire counting your old flames
Always a man to blame

It's alright when you're bladdered regret it tomorrow comes
I won't be creeping out the backdoor when it's nearly light
But I'm not one for overstaying my invite
I need to sleep tonight

I do it all for the love of Miss Brown
Oh for love of Miss Brown
Oh for love of Miss Brown
Oh for love of Miss Brown

That you're not what they say, you're not someone who will do anything
One to show the other mothers at the school
Oh when you act the fool, I know you want a fella who dunt treat you cruel

Go on have another one, regret it when tomorrow comes
You swear you're happy,your eyes let you down
Oh Miss Brown, ya ruby lipsticks gonna paint the town

Relevant Tags:
MMiss BBrown iss rown iMss rBown jiss vrown jMiss vBrown Mjiss Bvrown kiss grown kMiss gBrown Mkiss Bgrown niss nrown nMiss nBrown
Mniss Bnrown Miiss hrown Mss hBrown Msis Bhrown Mjss Brrown Bown Mijss Borwn M9ss Bdown M9iss Bdrown Mi9ss Brdown Mlss B4own
Mliss B4rown Milss Br4own Moss Bgown Moiss Mioss Brgown Mkss Btown Btrown Mikss Brtown M8ss B5own M8iss B5rown Mi8ss Br5own
Muss Bfown Muiss Bfrown Miuss Brfown Misss Beown Mis Berown Miss Breown Mizs Broown Mizss Brwn Miszs Brwon Miws Brkwn Miwss Brkown
Misws Brokwn Mids Br9wn Midss Br9own Misds Bro9wn

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