Reverend And The Makers
Sundown On The Empire

It's like when Britney left the Disney Club
Cos she's a lioness and not a cub
At the end of an era, her future's no clearer
When the taxi comes to pick her up
It's like Angie leaving the Queen Vic
Trepidation, feeling a bit sick
We're at the end of an era
As Walter and Vera are coming up to wave her off

Its like when Ginger left the other four
There's a row when Brad an Jen got divorced
It wont be the same now
There's nothing to gain now
From staying round here no more

It's like the pub around closing time
Muhammad Ali in the Berbick fight
There int no pretending, she knows that its ending
She's made her mind and booked the flight

This bird has flown, how it seems she's outgrown all she knows
It's the Sundown on the Empire
This bird has flown, how it seems she's outgrown all she knows
This bird, has flown

Like co-pilots on your final flight
As you were Morecambe, but she was wise
She got a ticket, as she couldn't stick it
She'll be in Faliraki by midnight

It's like when Britney left the Disney club
Cos she's a lioness and not a cub
At the end of an era, the future's no clearer
When the taxi comes to pick her up

This bird has flown, how it seems she's outgrown all she knows
It's the Sundown on the Empire
This bird has flown, how it seems she's outgrown all she knows
This bird, has flown

Mirror lyrics:

This bird, has flown
This bird has flown, how it seems she's outgrown all she knows
It's the Sundown on the Empire
This bird has flown, how it seems she's outgrown all she knows

When the taxi comes to pick her up
At the end of an era, the future's no clearer
Cos she's a lioness and not a cub
It's like when Britney left the Disney club

She'll be in Faliraki by midnight
She got a ticket, as she couldn't stick it
As you were Morecambe, but she was wise
Like co-pilots on your final flight

This bird, has flown
This bird has flown, how it seems she's outgrown all she knows
It's the Sundown on the Empire
This bird has flown, how it seems she's outgrown all she knows

She's made her mind and booked the flight
There int no pretending, she knows that its ending
Muhammad Ali in the Berbick fight
It's like the pub around closing time

From staying round here no more
There's nothing to gain now
It wont be the same now
There's a row when Brad an Jen got divorced
Its like when Ginger left the other four

As Walter and Vera are coming up to wave her off
We're at the end of an era
Trepidation, feeling a bit sick
It's like Angie leaving the Queen Vic
When the taxi comes to pick her up
At the end of an era, her future's no clearer
Cos she's a lioness and not a cub
It's like when Britney left the Disney Club

Relevant Tags:
SSundown OOn TThe EEmpire undown n he mpire uSndown nO hTe mEpire zundown kn fhe smpire zSundown kOn fThe sEmpire Szundown Okn Tfhe Esmpire
wundown 9n 5he 3mpire wSundown 9On 5The 3Empire Swundown O9n T5he E3mpire dundown 0n hhe fmpire dSundown 0On hThe fEmpire Sdundown O0n Thhe Efmpire
eundown ln yhe rmpire eSundown lOn yThe rEmpire Seundown Oln Tyhe Ermpire xundown in 6he 4mpire xSundown iOn 6The 4Empire Sxundown Oin T6he E4mpire
aundown Onn ghe dmpire aSundown O gThe dEmpire Saundown On Tghe Edmpire Suundown Om rhe wmpire Sndown Omn rThe wEmpire Snudown Onm Trhe Ewmpire
Shndown Oh Emmpire Shundown Ohn Te Epire Suhndown Onh Teh Epmire S7ndown Oj Tje Ejpire S7undown Ojn Tjhe Ejmpire Su7ndown Onj Thje Emjpire
Skndown Ob Tue Ekpire Skundown Obn Tuhe Ekmpire Sukndown Onb Thue Emkpire Sindown Tne Enpire Siundown Tnhe Enmpire Suindown Thne Emnpire
S8ndown Tbe Emppire S8undown Tbhe Emire Su8ndown Thbe Emipre Sjndown Tge Em0ire Sjundown Em0pire Sujndown Thge Emp0ire
Syndown Tye Emlire Syundown Emlpire Suyndown Thye Emplire Sunndown Thee Emoire Sudown Th Emopire Sudnown The Empoire
Sumdown Ths Empiire Sumndown Thse Empre Sunmdown Thes Emprie Suhdown Th3 Empjre Th3e Empjire Sunhdown The3 Empijre
Sujdown Thf Emp9re Thfe Emp9ire Sunjdown Thef Empi9re Subdown Thr Emplre Subndown Thre Sunbdown Ther Empilre
Sunddown Th4 Empore Sunown Th4e Sunodwn The4 Empiore Sunxown Thd Empkre Sunxdown Thde Empkire Sundxown Thed Empikre
Suneown Thw Emp8re Sunedown Thwe Emp8ire

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