Return To Forever
The Endless Night

The aching heart, there's no delight

Dreams die in endless night

The lonely soul has yet to see

One love being warm and free

Paradise is gone

Yet, it can come back

Back again, returning to forever

Forever, forever

Mysteries of yesterday

Sometimes, will fade away

But doubts and questions still remain

Confusing all in pain

Reaching out to be, unafraid to see

What is there? Returning to forever

Forever, forever

Paradise is gone

Yet it can come back

Back again, returning to forever

Forever, forever

Mirror lyrics:

Forever, forever

Back again, returning to forever

Yet it can come back

Paradise is gone

Forever, forever

What is there? Returning to forever

Reaching out to be, unafraid to see

Confusing all in pain

But doubts and questions still remain

Sometimes, will fade away

Mysteries of yesterday

Forever, forever

Back again, returning to forever

Yet, it can come back

Paradise is gone

One love being warm and free

The lonely soul has yet to see

Dreams die in endless night

The aching heart, there's no delight

Relevant Tags:
TThe EEndless NNight he ndless ight hTe nEdless iNght fhe sndless might fThe sEndless mNight Tfhe Esndless Nmight
5he 3ndless hight 5The 3Endless hNight T5he E3ndless Nhight hhe fndless jight hThe fEndless jNight Thhe Efndless Njight
yhe rndless bight yThe rEndless bNight Tyhe Erndless Nbight 6he 4ndless Niight 6The 4Endless Nght T6he E4ndless Ngiht
ghe dndless Njght gThe dEndless Tghe Edndless Nijght rhe wndless N9ght rThe wEndless N9ight Trhe Ewndless Ni9ght
Enndless Nlght Te Edless Nlight Teh Ednless Nilght Tje Emdless Noght Tjhe Emndless Noight Thje Enmdless Nioght
Tue Ehdless Nkght Tuhe Ehndless Nkight Thue Enhdless Nikght Tne Ejdless N8ght Tnhe Ejndless N8ight Thne Enjdless Ni8ght
Tbe Ebdless Nught Tbhe Ebndless Nuight Thbe Enbdless Niught Tge Enddless Nigght Enless Niht Thge Enldess Nihgt
Tye Enxless Nihht Enxdless Nihght Thye Endxless Nighht Thee Eneless Niyht Th Enedless Niyght The Endeless Nigyht
Ths Enfless Nibht Thse Enfdless Nibght Thes Endfless Nigbht Th3 Enrless Nivht Th3e Enrdless Nivght The3 Endrless Nigvht
Thf Encless Nifht Thfe Encdless Nifght Thef Endcless Nigfht Thr Ensless Nitht Thre Ensdless Nitght Ther Endsless Nigtht
Th4 Endlless Th4e Endess Nigt The4 Endelss Nigth

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