Ricky Skaggs
The Peace Song

Now peace begins on earth,
And let it begin with me
Now peace begins on earth
The peace that was meant to be.

With God as our power
United all are we
Let us walk with each other
In perfect harmony.

Yes, peace begins with me
Yes, this is the moment now!
With every step I take
Let this be my solemn vow.

To take each moment and live each moment
In peace eternally
Yes, there is peace on earth,
And yes, it begins with me...

Mirror lyrics:

And yes, it begins with me...
Yes, there is peace on earth,
In peace eternally
To take each moment and live each moment

Let this be my solemn vow.
With every step I take
Yes, this is the moment now!
Yes, peace begins with me

In perfect harmony.
Let us walk with each other
United all are we
With God as our power

The peace that was meant to be.
Now peace begins on earth
And let it begin with me
Now peace begins on earth,

Relevant Tags:
TThe PPeace SSong he eace ong hTe ePace oSng fhe 0eace zong fThe 0Peace zSong Tfhe P0eace Szong 5he leace wong 5The lPeace wSong
T5he Pleace Swong hhe oeace dong hThe oPeace dSong Thhe Poeace Sdong yhe Peeace eong yThe Pace eSong Tyhe Paece Seong 6he Psace xong
6The Pseace xSong T6he Pesace Sxong ghe P3ace aong gThe P3eace aSong Tghe Pe3ace Saong rhe Pface Soong rThe Pfeace Sng Trhe Peface Snog
Prace Skng Te Preace Skong Teh Perace Sokng Tje P4ace S9ng Tjhe P4eace S9ong Thje Pe4ace So9ng Tue Pdace S0ng Tuhe Pdeace S0ong
Thue Pedace So0ng Tne Pwace Slng Tnhe Pweace Slong Thne Pewace Solng Tbe Peaace Sing Tbhe Pece Siong Thbe Pecae Soing Tge Pezce Sonng
Pezace Sog Thge Peazce Sogn Tye Peqce Somg Peqace Somng

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