Ricky Martin
One Night Man

Come on!

It's the story of my life
It's how it always begins
I see you once
I see you twice
I get a taste of paradise
It's not as easy at it seems
When you have complicated dreams

So take me home
Take me to the zone tonight
The story of my life
It's gonna be all right lady, I'm your one night man
Come with me, take a chance
You won't forget it
You might regret it
I can promise you that
Lady give me one last chance
Give me, give me all you can
Baby I'm your one night man

I'm the one I'm the one night man
I'm the one I'm the one night man

It's the way it has to be
I know it's hard to understand
And while it breaks my heart to leave
Somehow you have got to believe
I will remember now and forever
This special time we spent together


Mirror lyrics:


This special time we spent together
I will remember now and forever
Somehow you have got to believe
And while it breaks my heart to leave
I know it's hard to understand
It's the way it has to be

I'm the one I'm the one night man
I'm the one I'm the one night man

Baby I'm your one night man
Give me, give me all you can
Lady give me one last chance
I can promise you that
You might regret it
You won't forget it
Come with me, take a chance
It's gonna be all right lady, I'm your one night man
The story of my life
Take me to the zone tonight
So take me home

When you have complicated dreams
It's not as easy at it seems
I get a taste of paradise
I see you twice
I see you once
It's how it always begins
It's the story of my life

Come on!

Relevant Tags:
OOne NNight MMan ne ight an nOe iNght aMn kne might jan kOne mNight jMan Okne Nmight Mjan 9ne hight kan 9One hNight kMan O9ne Nhight Mkan
0ne jight nan 0One jNight nMan O0ne Njight Mnan lne bight Maan lOne bNight Mn Olne Nbight Mna ine Niight Mzn iOne Nght Mzan Oine Ngiht Mazn
Onne Njght Mqn Oe Mqan Oen Nijght Maqn Ome N9ght Msn Omne N9ight Msan Onme Ni9ght Masn Ohe Nlght Mwn Ohne Nlight Mwan Onhe Nilght Mawn
Oje Noght Mxn Ojne Noight Mxan Onje Nioght Maxn Obe Nkght Mann Obne Nkight Ma Onbe Nikght Man Onee N8ght Mam On N8ight Mamn One Ni8ght Manm
Ons Nught Mah Onse Nuight Mahn Ones Niught Manh On3 Nigght Maj On3e Niht Majn One3 Nihgt Manj Onf Nihht Mab Onfe Nihght Mabn Onef Nighht Manb
Onr Niyht Onre Niyght Oner Nigyht On4 Nibht

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