Resident Evil Apocalypse
Bloodwork 36 Crazyfists

Here is your broken character
The one left of heaven
Scissors cut him from the page, example
Continue to read not to retrace the steps, touch me
The hemorrhaging has ceased, has ceased

And I swallow these capsules to regain my grip
And I swallowed myself sick And I inherited my health

Here is your wake and smile
That you seem to need
The safe and the touch, and the unweave
Right where you placed it the night before
Saint checks in to make sure
You're right where you say that you are
right where you are

And I swallow these capsules to regain my grip
And I swallowed myself sick And I inherited my health

And I couldn't have seen all these pictures of me
But I needed to, but I needed to
I couldn't find a better way
Couldn't find a better way to lie

And I swallow these capsules to regain my grip
And I swallowed myself sick And I inherited my health

Mirror lyrics:

And I swallowed myself sick And I inherited my health
And I swallow these capsules to regain my grip

Couldn't find a better way to lie
I couldn't find a better way
But I needed to, but I needed to
And I couldn't have seen all these pictures of me

And I swallowed myself sick And I inherited my health
And I swallow these capsules to regain my grip

right where you are
You're right where you say that you are
Saint checks in to make sure
Right where you placed it the night before
The safe and the touch, and the unweave
That you seem to need
Here is your wake and smile

And I swallowed myself sick And I inherited my health
And I swallow these capsules to regain my grip

The hemorrhaging has ceased, has ceased
Continue to read not to retrace the steps, touch me
Scissors cut him from the page, example
The one left of heaven
Here is your broken character

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nBloodwork e36 vCrazyfists Bnloodwork 3e6 Cvrazyfists hloodwork 26 drazyfists hBloodwork 236 dCrazyfists Bhloodwork 326 Cdrazyfists
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