Shiftless When Idle

Everybody that's on my block
They're tired of me
That ain't no shock

And I ain't got no idols
I ain't got much taste
I'm shiftless when I'm idle
And I got time to waste

They tried to tell me that I should learn
They told me it's best I wait my turn
I can't wait forever
I can't wait that long
I'm shiftless when I'm idle
I want to play this...

(I thought so!)

I'm shiftless when I'm idle
I'm shiftless when I'm idle
I'm shiftless
I'm shiftless

Mirror lyrics:

I'm shiftless
I'm shiftless
I'm shiftless when I'm idle
I'm shiftless when I'm idle

(I thought so!)

I want to play this...
I'm shiftless when I'm idle
I can't wait that long
I can't wait forever
They told me it's best I wait my turn
They tried to tell me that I should learn

And I got time to waste
I'm shiftless when I'm idle
I ain't got much taste
And I ain't got no idols

That ain't no shock
They're tired of me
Everybody that's on my block

Relevant Tags:
SShiftless WWhen IIdle hiftless hen dle hSiftless hWen dIle zhiftless ahen jdle zShiftless aWhen jIdle Szhiftless Wahen Ijdle
whiftless 3hen 9dle wShiftless 3When 9Idle Swhiftless W3hen I9dle dhiftless dhen ldle dShiftless dWhen lIdle Sdhiftless Wdhen Ildle
ehiftless ehen odle eShiftless eWhen oIdle Sehiftless Wehen Iodle xhiftless shen kdle xShiftless sWhen kIdle Sxhiftless Wshen Ikdle
ahiftless 2hen 8dle aShiftless 2When 8Idle Sahiftless W2hen I8dle Shhiftless qhen udle Siftless qWhen uIdle Sihftless Wqhen Iudle
Sjiftless Whhen Iddle Sjhiftless Wen Ile Shjiftless Wehn Ilde Suiftless Wjen Ixle Suhiftless Wjhen Ixdle Shuiftless Whjen Idxle
Sniftless Wuen Iele Snhiftless Wuhen Iedle Shniftless Whuen Idele Sbiftless Wnen Ifle Sbhiftless Wnhen Ifdle Shbiftless Whnen Idfle
Sgiftless Wben Irle Sghiftless Wbhen Irdle Shgiftless Whben Idrle Syiftless Wgen Icle Syhiftless Wghen Icdle Shyiftless Whgen Idcle
Shiiftless Wyen Isle Shftless Wyhen Isdle Shfitless Whyen Idsle Shjftless Wheen Idlle Whn Ide Shijftless Whne Idel
Sh9ftless Whsn Idke Sh9iftless Whsen Idkle Shi9ftless Whesn Idlke Shlftless Wh3n Idoe Shliftless Wh3en Idole Shilftless Whe3n Idloe
Shoftless Whfn Idpe Shoiftless Whfen Idple Shioftless Whefn Idlpe Shkftless Whrn Idlee Shkiftless Whren Idl Shikftless Whern Idle
Sh8ftless Wh4n Idls Sh8iftless Wh4en Idlse Shi8ftless Whe4n Idles Shuftless Whdn Idl3 Whden Idl3e Shiuftless Whedn Idle3
Shifftless Whwn Idlf Shitless Whwen Idlfe Shitfless Whewn Idlef Shictless Whenn Idlr Shicftless Whe Idlre Shifctless When Idler
Shirtless Whem Idl4 Shirftless Whemn Idl4e Shifrtless Whenm Idle4 Shigtless Wheh Idld Shigftless Whehn Idlde Shifgtless Whenh Idled
Shittless Whej Idlw Shitftless Whejn Idlwe Shifttless Whenj Idlew Shivtless Wheb Shivftless Whebn Shifvtless Whenb

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