Rest Assured
The Hippo Song

I fell in love with a hippo
what was her name i did not know
the one that left me open-jawed
she played my game so i applaud

I fell in love with a hippo
the one that wouldnt let me go
it looks as though im here to stay
i pray love never goes away


The next time you fall in love
I hope its with someone lonely
The next time you fall in love
I hope you love the way the hippo showed me

I fell in love with a chimpanzee
she couldnt take her eyes off me
I hope she knows just how i feel
I slipped on her banana peel

I fell in love with a chimpanzee
I climbed up her banana tree
she feels so good right by my side
she feels so good cause she is mine



Now who really cares
who looks and who stares
when you're out with your lover
your significant other?



Mirror lyrics:



your significant other?
when you're out with your lover
who looks and who stares
Now who really cares



she feels so good cause she is mine
she feels so good right by my side
I climbed up her banana tree
I fell in love with a chimpanzee

I slipped on her banana peel
I hope she knows just how i feel
she couldnt take her eyes off me
I fell in love with a chimpanzee

I hope you love the way the hippo showed me
The next time you fall in love
I hope its with someone lonely
The next time you fall in love


i pray love never goes away
it looks as though im here to stay
the one that wouldnt let me go
I fell in love with a hippo

she played my game so i applaud
the one that left me open-jawed
what was her name i did not know
I fell in love with a hippo

Relevant Tags:
TThe HHippo SSong he ippo ong hTe iHppo oSng fhe jippo zong fThe jHippo zSong Tfhe Hjippo Szong 5he uippo wong 5The uHippo wSong
T5he Huippo Swong hhe nippo dong hThe nHippo dSong Thhe Hnippo Sdong yhe bippo eong yThe bHippo eSong Tyhe Hbippo Seong 6he gippo xong
6The gHippo xSong T6he Hgippo Sxong ghe yippo aong gThe yHippo aSong Tghe Hyippo Saong rhe Hiippo Soong rThe Hppo Sng Trhe Hpipo Snog
Hjppo Skng Te Skong Teh Hijppo Sokng Tje H9ppo S9ng Tjhe H9ippo S9ong Thje Hi9ppo So9ng Tue Hlppo S0ng Tuhe Hlippo S0ong
Thue Hilppo So0ng Tne Hoppo Slng Tnhe Hoippo Slong Thne Hioppo Solng Tbe Hkppo Sing

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