Reo Speedwagon
Variety Tonight

If ever you think you miss the thrill of the chase
Or just get tired of the same old face
I can be different honey, I can be new
Want someone else, I can be that too

Whoa-oh, gonna make you feel right, honey if you want it, variety tonight
Whoa-oh, gonna make you feel right, honey you got it, variety tonight

The faces of love have their smiles and frowns
And every romance has its ups and downs
There are cases when love has been less than sweet
Love without hate is a little like light without heat


And the fire will fade if you forget it
'Cause love can't live unless you let it
Whoa, you gotta try just a little harder with the passin' days
You got to find some new ways, ow!


[Chorus] repeats out...

Mirror lyrics:

[Chorus] repeats out...


You got to find some new ways, ow!
Whoa, you gotta try just a little harder with the passin' days
'Cause love can't live unless you let it
And the fire will fade if you forget it


Love without hate is a little like light without heat
There are cases when love has been less than sweet
And every romance has its ups and downs
The faces of love have their smiles and frowns

Whoa-oh, gonna make you feel right, honey you got it, variety tonight
Whoa-oh, gonna make you feel right, honey if you want it, variety tonight

Want someone else, I can be that too
I can be different honey, I can be new
Or just get tired of the same old face
If ever you think you miss the thrill of the chase

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