Reo Speedwagon
Back On The Road Again

Please don't hate me mama for what I'm about to do
But the good times we've had together are just about now through
Please don't misunderstand me, I hate to see you cry
But I think that it might look better if I told you now goodbye

I'm back on the road again, it's time I leave you now
And maybe I'll see you next time, that I'm around
Until then I hope your happy baby and good times come your way
I'm back on the road again, I'm on my way

Well I've loved you since the day I met you and I'll love you till the day I die
But we both know the life I'm livin and we both know the reason why
That I've got to leave ya mama and I've got to leave today
But you know that I'll see you next time that I come through your town to play

[Chorus] ooh, bye-bye baby



Mirror lyrics:



[Chorus] ooh, bye-bye baby

But you know that I'll see you next time that I come through your town to play
That I've got to leave ya mama and I've got to leave today
But we both know the life I'm livin and we both know the reason why
Well I've loved you since the day I met you and I'll love you till the day I die

I'm back on the road again, I'm on my way
Until then I hope your happy baby and good times come your way
And maybe I'll see you next time, that I'm around
I'm back on the road again, it's time I leave you now

But I think that it might look better if I told you now goodbye
Please don't misunderstand me, I hate to see you cry
But the good times we've had together are just about now through
Please don't hate me mama for what I'm about to do

Relevant Tags:
BBack OOn TThe RRoad AAgain ack n he oad gain aBck nO hTe oRad gAain vack kn fhe doad zgain vBack kOn fThe dRoad zAgain Bvack Okn Tfhe Rdoad Azgain
gack 9n 5he 4oad qgain gBack 9On 5The 4Road qAgain Bgack O9n T5he R4oad Aqgain nack 0n hhe goad sgain nBack 0On hThe gRoad sAgain Bnack O0n Thhe Rgoad Asgain
hack ln yhe toad wgain hBack lOn yThe tRoad wAgain Bhack Oln Tyhe Rtoad Awgain Baack in 6he 5oad xgain Bck iOn 6The 5Road xAgain Bcak Oin T6he R5oad Axgain
Bzck Onn ghe foad Aggain Bzack O gThe fRoad Aain Bazck On Tghe Rfoad Aagin Bqck Om rhe eoad Ahain Bqack Omn rThe eRoad Ahgain Baqck Onm Trhe Reoad Aghain
Bsck Oh Rooad Ayain Bsack Ohn Te Rad Aygain Basck Onh Teh Raod Agyain Bwck Oj Tje Rkad Abain Bwack Ojn Tjhe Rkoad Abgain Bawck Onj Thje Rokad Agbain
Bxck Ob Tue R9ad Avain Bxack Obn Tuhe R9oad Avgain Baxck Onb Thue Ro9ad Agvain Bacck Tne R0ad Afain Bak Tnhe R0oad Afgain Bakc Thne Ro0ad Agfain
Bafk Tbe Rlad Atain Bafck Tbhe Rload Atgain Bacfk Thbe Rolad Agtain Baxk Tge Riad Agaain Rioad Agin Bacxk Thge Roiad Agian
Bavk Tye Roaad Agzin Bavck Rod Agzain Bacvk Thye Roda Agazin Badk Thee Rozd Agqin Badck Th Rozad Agqain Bacdk The Roazd Agaqin

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