Robbie Robertson
Twisted Hair

This was the way of it
Let the story fires be lighted
Let our circle be strong and full of medicine

Hear me
This is my dream song that I'm singing for you
This is my power song that is taking me to the edge
This is rock medicine
The talking tree
The singing water

I am dancing underneath you
This was the way of it
It is a river
It is a chant
It is a medicine story
It is what happened long ago
It is a bead in a story belt
It is what has been forgotten
It is the smell of sweetgrass and cedar

And prayers lifted to sky father
It is a way, a tradition
The way it was always done by the people
It is a feeling of warmth
The sound of voices

I am dancing underneath you

Mirror lyrics:

I am dancing underneath you

The sound of voices
It is a feeling of warmth
The way it was always done by the people
It is a way, a tradition
And prayers lifted to sky father

It is the smell of sweetgrass and cedar
It is what has been forgotten
It is a bead in a story belt
It is what happened long ago
It is a medicine story
It is a chant
It is a river
This was the way of it
I am dancing underneath you

The singing water
The talking tree
This is rock medicine
This is my power song that is taking me to the edge
This is my dream song that I'm singing for you
Hear me

Let our circle be strong and full of medicine
Let the story fires be lighted
This was the way of it

Relevant Tags:
TTwisted HHair wisted air wTisted aHir fwisted jair fTwisted jHair Tfwisted Hjair 5wisted uair 5Twisted uHair T5wisted Huair
hwisted nair hTwisted nHair Thwisted Hnair ywisted bair yTwisted bHair Tywisted Hbair 6wisted gair 6Twisted gHair T6wisted Hgair
gwisted yair gTwisted yHair Tgwisted Hyair rwisted Haair rTwisted Hir Trwisted Hiar Twwisted Hzir Tisted Hzair Tiwsted Hazir
Taisted Hqir Tawisted Hqair Twaisted Haqir T3isted Hsir T3wisted Hsair Tw3isted Hasir Tdisted Hwir Tdwisted Hwair Twdisted Hawir
Teisted Hxir Tewisted Hxair Tweisted Haxir Tsisted Haiir Tswisted Har Twsisted Hari T2isted Hajr T2wisted Hajir Tw2isted Haijr
Tqisted Ha9r Tqwisted Ha9ir Twqisted Hai9r Twiisted Halr Twsted Halir Twsited Hailr Twjsted Haor Twjisted Haoir Twijsted Haior
Tw9sted Hakr Tw9isted Hakir Twi9sted Haikr Twlsted Ha8r Twlisted Ha8ir Twilsted Hai8r Twosted Haur Twoisted Hauir Twiosted Haiur
Twksted Hairr Twkisted Hai Twiksted Hair Tw8sted Haid Tw8isted Haidr Twi8sted Haird Twusted Hai4 Twuisted Hai4r Twiusted Hair4
Twissted Haig Twited Haigr Twitsed Hairg Twizted Hait Twizsted Haitr Twiszted Hairt

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