Robbers On High Street
The Fatalist

I was down for the count

Down, never out

I was determined

But I couldn't catch a break

Always treading in the wake

Like I was afraid of it

So I gave up the fight

Let me fall where I might

And maybe I'm set to win

I quit action, I quit plan

Shook that big, invisible hand

And welcomed the Fatalist

Give yourself into its vision

No more struggle, no decisions

Beyond your control

So give in and let go

Enter the Fatalist

Oh, we try so hard

Oh, we try, try so hard

To get out of this

What is behind it?

The omniscient it

Yes, Fatalist, Fatalist, Fatalist, the Fatalist

Give yourself into its vision

No more struggle, no decisions

Beyond your control

Welcome the unknown

Yes, Fatalist

Mirror lyrics:

Yes, Fatalist

Welcome the unknown

Beyond your control

No more struggle, no decisions

Give yourself into its vision

Yes, Fatalist, Fatalist, Fatalist, the Fatalist

The omniscient it

What is behind it?

To get out of this

Oh, we try, try so hard

Oh, we try so hard

Enter the Fatalist

So give in and let go

Beyond your control

No more struggle, no decisions

Give yourself into its vision

And welcomed the Fatalist

Shook that big, invisible hand

I quit action, I quit plan

And maybe I'm set to win

Let me fall where I might

So I gave up the fight

Like I was afraid of it

Always treading in the wake

But I couldn't catch a break

I was determined

Down, never out

I was down for the count

Relevant Tags:
TThe FFatalist he atalist hTe aFtalist fhe catalist fThe cFatalist Tfhe Fcatalist 5he ratalist 5The rFatalist T5he Fratalist
hhe gatalist hThe gFatalist Thhe Fgatalist yhe tatalist yThe tFatalist Tyhe Ftatalist 6he vatalist 6The vFatalist T6he Fvatalist
ghe datalist gThe dFatalist Tghe Fdatalist rhe Faatalist rThe Ftalist Trhe Ftaalist Fztalist Te Fzatalist Teh Faztalist
Tje Fqtalist Tjhe Fqatalist Thje Faqtalist Tue Fstalist Tuhe Fsatalist Thue Fastalist Tne Fwtalist Tnhe Fwatalist Thne Fawtalist
Tbe Fxtalist Tbhe Fxatalist Thbe Faxtalist Tge Fattalist Faalist Thge Faatlist Tye Fafalist Faftalist Thye Fatfalist
Thee Fa5alist Th Fa5talist The Fat5alist Ths Fahalist Thse Fahtalist Thes Fathalist Th3 Fayalist Th3e Faytalist The3 Fatyalist
Thf Fa6alist Thfe Fa6talist Thef Fat6alist Thr Fagalist Thre Fagtalist Ther Fatgalist Th4 Faralist Th4e Fartalist The4 Fatralist
Thd Fataalist Thde Fatlist Thed Fatlaist Thw Fatzlist Thwe Fatzalist Thew Fatazlist Fatqlist Fatqalist Fataqlist
Fatslist Fatsalist Fataslist Fatwlist Fatwalist Fatawlist Fatxlist Fatxalist

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