Robben Ford
Don't Let Me Be Understood

Baby, do you understand me now, sometimes I feel a little mad
And don't you know that no one alive can always be an angel
when things go wrong your bound to see the bad

I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh no, please don't let me be misunderstood

Baby sometimes I'm so carefree with a joy that's hard to hide
And then sometimes it seems all I have to do is worry
and then you're bound to see the other side
I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh no, please don't let me be misunderstood

If I seem mean to you, I want you to know

that I never mean to take it out on you
'Cause life has it's problems and I get my share
and that's one thing that I never mean to do, 'cause I love you

Oh oh baby, don't you know I'm human
I have faults just like any other one
And sometimes I find myself alone and regretting
some foolish little sinful thing I've done

I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh no, please don't let me be misunderstood

Mirror lyrics:

Oh no, please don't let me be misunderstood
I'm just a soul whose intentions are good

some foolish little sinful thing I've done
And sometimes I find myself alone and regretting
I have faults just like any other one
Oh oh baby, don't you know I'm human

and that's one thing that I never mean to do, 'cause I love you
'Cause life has it's problems and I get my share
that I never mean to take it out on you

If I seem mean to you, I want you to know

Oh no, please don't let me be misunderstood
I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
and then you're bound to see the other side
And then sometimes it seems all I have to do is worry
Baby sometimes I'm so carefree with a joy that's hard to hide

Oh no, please don't let me be misunderstood
I'm just a soul whose intentions are good

when things go wrong your bound to see the bad
And don't you know that no one alive can always be an angel
Baby, do you understand me now, sometimes I feel a little mad

Relevant Tags:
DDon't LLet MMe BBe UUnderstood on't et e e nderstood oDn't eLt eM eB nUderstood xon't ket je ve hnderstood xDon't kLet jMe vBe hUnderstood
Dxon't Lket Mje Bve Uhnderstood eon't oet ke ge 7nderstood eDon't oLet kMe gBe 7Understood Deon't Loet Mke Bge U7nderstood fon't pet ne ne knderstood
fDon't pLet nMe nBe kUnderstood Dfon't Lpet Mne Bne Uknderstood ron't Leet Mee he inderstood rDon't Lt M hBe iUnderstood Dron't Lte Me Bhe Uinderstood
con't Lst Ms Bee 8nderstood cDon't Lset Mse B 8Understood Dcon't Lest Mes Be U8nderstood son't L3t M3 Bs jnderstood sDon't L3et M3e Bse jUnderstood
Dson't Le3t Me3 Bes Ujnderstood Doon't Lft Mf B3 ynderstood Dn't Lfet Mfe B3e yUnderstood Dno't Left Mef Be3 Uynderstood Dkn't Lrt Mr Bf Unnderstood
Dkon't Lret Mre Bfe Uderstood Dokn't Lert Mer Bef Udnerstood D9n't L4t M4 Br Umderstood D9on't L4et M4e Bre Umnderstood Do9n't Le4t Me4 Ber Unmderstood
D0n't Ldt Md B4 Uhderstood D0on't Ldet Mde B4e Do0n't Ledt Med Be4 Unhderstood Dln't Lwt Mw Bd Ujderstood Dlon't Lwet Mwe Bde
Doln't Lewt Mew Bed Unjderstood Din't Lett Bw Ubderstood Dion't Le Bwe Ubnderstood Doin't Let Bew Unbderstood Donn't Lef Undderstood
Do't Unerstood Do'nt Letf Unedrstood Dom't Le5 Unxerstood Domn't Le5t Unxderstood Donm't Let5 Undxerstood
Doh't Leh Uneerstood Dohn't Leht Unederstood Donh't Leth Undeerstood Doj't Ley Unferstood Dojn't Leyt Unfderstood
Donj't Lety Undferstood Dob't Le6 Unrerstood Dobn't Le6t Unrderstood Donb't Let6 Undrerstood Don''t Leg Uncerstood
Dont Legt Uncderstood Dont' Letg Undcerstood Don'tt Ler Unserstood Don' Unsderstood Don't Letr Undserstood
Don'f Don'ft Undrstood Don'tf Undrestood Don'5 Undsrstood Don'5t
Don't5 Undesrstood Don'h Und3rstood Don'ht Und3erstood Don'th Unde3rstood Don'y Undfrstood
Don'yt Don'ty Undefrstood Don'6 Undrrstood Don'6t Don't6 Underrstood
Don'g Und4rstood Don'gt Und4erstood Don'tg Unde4rstood Don'r Unddrstood Don'rt
Don'tr Undedrstood Undwrstood Undwerstood Undewrstood Undestood
Undesrtood Undedstood Underdstood Unde4stood Under4stood

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